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Ava and Kanza had been locked up separately in small glass holding cells, just like the ones Waters had placed her in the first time.  She lay on the floor of the cell, clutching her trimmed wing tips.  The awful feeling of being flightless was one she had wished she wouldn't ever feel again. 

Waters was no where to be seen.  Instead the new assistant sat at the table in the middle of the room.  He had a variety of test tubes and lab tools that he fiddled with.  This man's hand was partially patched in a bandage from when Kanza had struck him. 

The new assistant had short brown, fresh trimmed hair and was more built than Waters.  He seemed a bit younger too, and thankfully, not as bright.  Ava took this time, while his back was turned, to try and make contact with Kanza.  "Kanza?" She whispered to the cell next to her.  She heard no reply.  "Kanza?" she whispered again, keeping an eye on the assistant. 

There was sound of movement coming from the cell beside her.

"Ava?" Kanza sounded as though she just woke from a long slumber. 

The assistant rolled his chair around.  Ava backed up, bracing herself for what was next.  But he rolled up next to the computer and began typing something.  Eva peered closer to see his card around his neck.  It read, Assistant Dale. 

He continued typing, then looked over at Kanza in the cell next to Ava.  He clutched his wounded hand and murmured something under his breath. 

A phone rang on the Assistants desk, it startled Ava.  She watched him grab the phone and respond. 
"Yes...She is waking up...." He rolled in front of Kanzas enclosure and looked inside.  Dale had pale blue eyes and thick eye brows.  Ava sighed heavy as he worried for Kanza.  "Well, despite the side effects of the anesthesia, she seems to be doing alright." He responded to who ever was on the other end.  "Um... her results came back, and she seems to have some underlying conditions."  Dale seemed to have some disdain for Kanza. 

"Yes.... Okay." His chair wheeled over to Ava.  Ava stepped backwards instinctively.  "She is very alert.  Must not be new to the anesthesia." He responded in a joking manner.  "Despite all the information we have on her health record, she has immaculate results."  Dale sat up.  "...Okay, I will prep her immediately then."  He hung up the phone and place it in his white lab coat pocket. 

Ava wondered what any of that meant as she looked around desperately for some kind of escape. 

Dale walked over to a sink basin on the other side of the room, rolled up his sleeves and began to vigorously wash his hands.  Ava watched intently as she tried to think of what to do.  She was trapped.

Once Dale had washed his hands he shook off the excess water and dried them off on some paper towels.  Ava moved over to kanzas side and tapped on the side wall.  "Kanza?" She pressed with urgency. 

Dale slipped on a pair of surgical gloves.  Ava's heart beat faster as the second glove was put on.  "Please Kanza!" She repeated. 

"Ava... I... I can't... move."

Dale had finished putting on his gloves and started toward Ava's cell.
"Okay." He sighed nervously.  "Here we go." 

He began to to unlock the top of the cell, and opened it slowly.  As he did, Doc. Howard stepped into the room.  "Whoah! Whoah!"  Howard yelled at Dale, as he made his way quickly to Ava and the Assistant.  Dale froze and closed the enclosure in response.  "Assistant Dale, we DO NOT want any more Avians on the loose.  PLEASE practice your professionalism." Howard explained sternly.  Now administer the drug BEFORE opening the doors.  These creatures can jump higher than a kite, even with clipped wings.  Howard sounded irritated. 

"Sorry, Doctor Howard, it won't happen again." Dale hung his head, his broad shoulders slumped.    "No it WONT."  Repeated Howard.

Dale went to reach for the controls to activate the debilitating gas.  Ava thought fast.

"Wait!" She gasped.

"Hold on." Howard put a hand on Dales shoulder just as he was about to start the process.  Dale paused. 

Ava sighed with relief.  Howard bent down to get a better look at Ava. 

"Well, well, well Ava, I must say this is quite the performance."  Howard had known what Ava was trying.  She thought quickly. 

"Howard please." She started.  "You have to understand..." Ava paused.  A feeling of anger crept into her heart.  She tried to suppress the feeling as best as she could.  Taking a deep breath and letting a small tear seep through the cracks of her once strong interior.  She breathed in heavily, as she prepared to say what she knew was not true.  "I understand that I have disobeyed your orders."  She tried to say the rest, but broke.  Her brows furrowed and she clenched her teeth. "But I will never be obedient to the likes of you! My loyalty lies with Jordan and my people!" Eva spat.  It felt good to give him a piece of her mind. 

Dale was just wide eyed as he watched Ava fume.  He seemed surprised that someone so small could have so much hate for one man.  He slowly looked over at Howard. 

Howard, however, seemed impressed with Ava's remarks.  Instead he just smiled.  "Ava." He began.  "I am not asking for your trust.  I am simply going to take it.  In fact..." he stood up straight and stepped to the cells controls. I am going to strip you of everything that I need.  Including your future children.  So no worries.  Your trust means nothing to me."  He turned towards Dale who just stood in amazement.  "Wild Avians, they think they are  invincible to us humans."  He chuckled.  Then he pressed the switch.

A gas came from the walls of the enclosure and Ava held her breath.  Howard tapped the cell lightly.  "Ava, you are too cute." He joked as he turned and walked to the basin to prep.  Dale patiently waited for Ava to immobilize.  

Ava couldn't wait any longer, she gasped for air.  The gas filled her lungs and she fell to the floor.  Her tainted wings flopped  over her face.
She could hear the cell hatch open and felt the large hands of Dale cup around her.  He lifted her up and carried her over to a clearing on the operating table. 

Overhead there were bright lights that shown.  Dale began to remove her clothing.  Ava had never felt so uncomfortable in her whole life.  The embarrassment saturated her whole body as she lay there exposed for these two lunatics.  She had no idea what was happening either which created more feeling of fear and dread.  Dale grabbed a small syringe and poked Ava's thigh.  Another tear escaped as she clenched her eyes shut, preparing for what was to come. 

Ava drifted away into the darkness.

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