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The soft morning breeze carried her through the trees.  Ava weaved in and out gracefully, dodging limbs and leaves.  Ava was a considerable flyer.  Warren taught her everything she knew, and Ava remembered the first time she stepped out of the comfort of the tree.  Her wings were smaller then, but strong.  Warren would carry her on his back  as he carried her into the air.  she took her first few flaps at age two, which was earlier than most kids her age.  By age three she was flying on her own, and at age six, she went on her first scouting trip, with Warren, of course. 

As Ava drifted further away from the safety of her home, she reached the fox den near the base of a large conifer.  two fox pups peaked their noses out and their ears faced forward.  She Landed on a high branch near the trunk of the tree.  Gazing at the innocent new life that would eventually become her enemies.  Then, as the rustling of mother fox grew near, she continued her flight towards the human park. 

Ava always she carried her dagger, she may not have been all obedient, but did listened to the cautions that Warren gave her. 

when she reach the forests' edge, she perched herself among the leaves, well hidden from the humans below.  The park was pretty large.  A few mature trees dotted the fields of grass.  on one side, there where giant play structures for the human children.  A few benches were spaced evenly along the path that ran along the perimeter.  Avas eyes extended to the horizon, where a large city, with buildings taller than trees stretched into the distance.  At night it appeared to be a mountain of stars, but during the day, it was dull and uneventful.  but still made her feel smaller than ever. 

She observed the small children tumble down slides and run through the grass.  She smiled as one little boy picked a single dandelion and ran to his mother sitting in the grass, and handing it to her.  She embraced him in a hug and kissed his cheek.  Giggles filled the air and Ava almost felt sad.  Sad that they had to stay away from the humans.  Why did the others fear them?  They have changed so much since they history of their past.  Couldnt they see that? 


The day grew dim as the sun sank into the silver lining.  She waited, and watched as all the humans dissapeard.  Then, right on time, a large dark fiqure appeared under the street lamps.  he walked slowely peering into the forest along the path.  Every now and then he would stop and stare.  Then continue to walk slowely.  She whatched intently as he moved closer to where she was.  sinking deeper into the leaves of the branch with every step. 

He reached his famous bench and sat down with his hands in his sweater, directly infront of Avas tree.  She was quiet as the moon, which started to glow in the sky.  The man had large broad shoulders and wore a black hoodie with brown colored shorts today.  Ava tried to make out his face, but the light from the street lamp above casted a shadow over his features.

The mysterious human sat there, pearing into the trees, swiveling his head at the slightest sounds.  Ava almost wondered if he could see her.  But she was so small in the large trees, that she was confident she was invisible to him. 

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bright red strawberry.  Avas eyes widened and she sat up to get a better look.  It looked delicious.  Her mouth watered, and her stomach growled (still too quet to notice).  He placed it on the bench carefully and stood up to walk away.  Giving one last searching glance into the forest. 

Ava sat there there, intently, contemplating Warrens words.  She knew that the critters nearby would snatch it before the sun rose again.   She was at war with herself.  Should she just fly down and snatch it, or just leave?  'no one would know.' she thought.  'He's not even around, I'll be fine.' She breathed heavily and decided to quickly grab it.

Checking to see if the coast was clear, she swooped down cautiosly onto the bench, and grabbed the strawberry, (that required two hands to hold).  She quickly jumped to fly back, ...when something large and sharp slammed into her back, nocking her and the berry to the cement path.  Alert and slightly dizzy from the fall, she tryed to get back up, pulling a dagger from the strap around her thigh.   A large cat pounced onto her be fire she could get on her feet.  She screamed in pain as the cat gave a hiss and bit her right wing.  She struggled to fight off the feline.  But a huge shadow quikly rushed into veiw sending the cats weight off of her body.  the shadow came closer, but only before Ava lost conciousness and everything went black.

AvianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora