Human World

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Ava peered around the open bedroom door.  Before her lay a large living room and a kitchen.  A hallway stretched to one side with a couple of open doors.  large windows covered the opposite wall of the living room.  The sun poured onto the carpet.  She walked to the light and kneeled on the sunlit floor.  the radiance warmed her skin and feathers.  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then stood. She stretched her wings and opened her eyes slowly. 

Ava had seen human houses before, but she never imagined what was inside.  there were hard edges everywhere.  One sad little potted plant sat on the kitchen window seal. She stood, climbing up the end table close to the large windows and crouched on the seal behind the sheer curtains.  She squinted to see a was a busy street just outside.  Large trucks and cars sped by. 

Then, a large black cat leaped in front of the window, Ava fell back in surprise, which sent her back onto the end table.  She yelled in pain and clutched her injured wing.  Carefully she clambered back down into the floor.  She did not feel well.  Her head started to spin, halfway back to the safety of Jordan's room she felt nauseous.  She slowly made her way to the room.  Suddenly she m felt very ill.  Ava found a soft shirt in the corner by the door and threw herself on it.  she curled up, feeling cold. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep off the discomfort. 

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