28. It will be ok

Start from the beginning

"Thank you so much babe I really owe you" I embraced her in a hug "I didn't do anything" she said "no you did I wouldn't of stayed so calm and I'm so sorry about earlier" I said "don't blame yourself, thanks for being there" she said then we kissed "I love you" she whispered "love you too" I said giving her a peck on the lips "you gonna be ok?" I asked "yeah my family are home" she said then left, I'm so glad I got her back. I walked back in the room and explained the whole gang situation to my family.

"Well I'm disappointed son" my dad said "well I'm sorry for being this fucked up but its happened" I said "we love you and even though I really don't approve its your choice your an adult" my mom said "thanks at least someone understands" I said "yeah I'm kinda part of this too " Parker admitted and they just looked at him. We just talked for abit then mom and dad fell asleep me so me Parker talked about the gang stuff and I got an idea which I think will work.

Louise's p.o.v:

I moved my fingers slowly then I opened my eyes to shut them again as the bright lights felt like they were blinding me "Lou your awake!" Parker said hugging me "my ribs" I said and he pulled away "sorry, Jack she's awake!" he shouted and he burst through the door "I'm so sorry it's all my fault I need to tell you about something" he said giving me a hug then told me about him and Parker being in a gang "what?"I croaked "I'm sorry Lou" he said "please just leave both of you" I said quietly and they looked at each other "we are sorry" Parker said and I just turned my head.

Lola's p.o.v:

I thought it was best to leave them to their family business. I walked in and my mum & dad were sitting in the front room "hey hun were have you been?" my mum asked "at the hospital, Louise Jacks sister is in there" I said "is she ok?" she asked "yeah she's gonna be fine, I'm going to bed night" I said then went upstairs and had a shower. I got into bed when my phone buzzed

Hey babe Lous awake xxx

Is everything ok? xxx

Well she's fine but telling her probably wasn't a good idea xxx

Babe she needs time xxx

I know she does, I miss you xxx

It's been like 2 hours xxx

What can't miss you? xxx

Haha, I'm going to bed night love you xxx

Night love you too xxx

Jacks p.o.v:

I was sitting outside the hospital and decided to call Lola;

It's 3am Jack what do you want?

I'm staying at yours  I'll explain when I get there

ok dont knock

ok in a bit


She answered the door and we crept upstairs trying not to laugh and she fell over "shhh" she laughed and we went to her room.

"Hey babe can I have a shower quick?" I asked as I saw her lying on her bed "yeah you left some clothes" she said yawning and I smiled then jumped in the shower.

I put on my boxers and got in her bed "you awake?" I whispered in her ear "give us a kiss then before I fall asleep" she said and I turned her over then smashed my lips on hers and licked her bottom lips asking for entrance which she allowed, I pulled her up so she was straddling me and we just made out for awhile "its been a stressful day babe think I need something to take my mind of it" I said and she wasn't hesitant for me to take her clothes off...

"What happened with Louise?" she asked holding my hand and explained everything "she'll be fine she just needs time I mean I see why she would be pissed" she said and I nodded "night babe love you" she said giving me a kiss "night beautiful" I said and I knew she was smiling when I called her that, I wrapped my arms round her waist and we fell asleep.

I woke up but Lola wasn't there then the bathroom door opened "you're finally awake at 1pm" she said "sorry if I was kept awake by someone" I said winking "thanks" she picking out an outfit and walked into the bathroom "stop checking me out!" she said and I chuckled "don't be so sexy then" I replied and I heard her giggle.

"My parents are down stairs" she said walking in "and?" I said "you've met them like twice" she said getting on the bed "ok let me just get ready" I said giving her a peck on the lips.

"Hi mom and dad" Lola said walking down the stairs with me following "afternoon Lola and Jack" Claire said "hi I got in late" I said and her dad just smiled at me "want some Lunch?" her mom asked and we nodded, I get along with her family especially Ty and Jai but he did give me the 'hurt her I'll hurt you' talk but he's a good guy and her dads ok now and her mom is always nice to me.

"I'm gonna go see Lou" I said putting the plates away and Lola followed "ok you staying at yours tonight?" she asked as I wrapped my arms round her waist and I just shrugged "helpful" she said and I raised my eyebrows and then smashed my lips onto hers and we were half way through making out when Tyler walked in "God sake get a room" he said and we pulled away and laughing, I still had my hands on her hips when Jai, Lauren and the kids walked in "Auntie Lola!" Jamie said running over and I let go of Lola and she picked him up and kissed his cheek, I checked the time, 3pm "I gotta go see ya" I said giving Lola a quick peck on the lips and said bye to everyone else then got on my bike.

I turned up at the hospital and walked straight up to Louise's room "please let me explain" I said walking in "first of all I'm so sorry for snapping I was just in shock and I don't hate you or want you gone" she said and I smiled "thankgod, I'm so sorry and I love you, don't worry them dickheads are gonna be dealt with soon and are gonna wish they never laid a finger on you" I said giving her a hug and kissed her forehead "thanks and please be carful, don't get hurt" she said "I won't I'm invincible" I said joking around and she just rolled her eyes and we just chatted for until visiting hours were over.

"Bye see you tomorrow probably" I said giving her a hug "bye what about school?" she asked and I gave her a 'don't give a fuck' look and she held her hands up in mock surrender. 'I had a fag then got on my bike and text Lola;

Hey gonna go home see you tomorrow btw I anit going into school xxx

Ok gonna miss ya love ya xxx

gonna miss you too beautiful xxx

Is that ur  new nickname for me? xxx

maybe xxx

see ya tomorrow xxx

Bye love you xxx

I put my phone away then got my bike and made my way home. I pulled up and saw Blake standing round the corner and walked over.

"Listen Blake I'm sorry for not getting back to you" I apologized "no worries I heard what happened is Louise ok?" he asked "yeah so what did you need?" I asked "just wondering if you were doing any training or needed any jobs done?" he said "let me get Dex to speak to you he knows all this shit" I said "alright thanks, hope Lous alright" he said.

"Jack?" My mom asked from the kitchen "yeah it's me" I said and walked over to her "did you see Lou today?" she asked "yeah just got back did you guys?" I asked "yes but we left at about 2:30" my dad said "dinners ready" my mom said and we all sat at the table, like a normal, happy family but without Louise.

I text Dex about Blake and he just said that he would talk to him so I went upstairs and listened to some music then noticed it was 12am so text Lola quickly

Night baby have fun at school tomorrow xxx

Fuck off xxx

Come round mine at 12pm xxx

Ok bye xxx

I just added Louise's p.o.v in this chapter because it was something different.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed, vote and comment if you liked it! xxx

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