You Find out their Secrets

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This was requested by the lovely fan, @DesiredAngel365. Thank you for the request! I'll only be doing this for certain people like Aaron, Garroth, Travis, Gene, Zenix, and Ein. Now let's get with the chapter! ♥️

You found out that he was the Ultima. You already knew he was a werewolf since you turned into a dog and asked your dogs why they liked him more then you, and they said he was male alpha. Anyways, he was scared that you found out but you were happy that he felt comfortable enough to share his secret with you.

You found out he is the demon warlock after you accidentally walked in on his father mumbling to himself about Travis being the demon warlock. He didn't know about it so you decided to keep it to yourself till it was the right time.

You heard Garte and Derek talking about the potions that were put on Garroth and Katelyn. Garroth didn't know and you didn't want to add more things onto his plate so you stayed quiet.

You found out he is a shadow knight after he lost his cool and turned. When he changed back he was worried that he hurt you, but when you reassured him that you were ok. He was nervous on how you would react to him, you just reassured him that you love him no matter what and that him being a shadow knight won't change that.

You found out he was a shadow knight after Sasha let it slip. You didn't mind and kept it to you.

You knew about Ein making potions for something but never knew the reason why. One day you asked him and he was completely honest with you. He told you he wanted to end your brother for what he did to you and wanted to take his old high school friend away from Aaron. You weren't angry, you were just glad that he wasn't making anything to hurt the wolves with.

Aphmau boyfriend scenarios and one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ