Who Kawaii~Chan shipped you with before

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She shipped you with Garroth, until you told her that your were into dark and mysterious type of guys. And the fact that you've been dating Aaron since college.

She fricken shipped you with Zane! She started shipping you two cause you said you have a thing with guys and blue eyes. And this pink ball of cotton candy thought you had a crush on Zane.

*enter dramatic sigh* Dear Irene please forgive this pink ball of cotton candy. She shipped you with Dante. Ughhh I just got the fricken chills. Like he is your best friend neither of you have ever thought of each other like that.

One little slip up and your life is now based off of her shipping you with Balto. Kawaii~Chan thought that since you were able to handle Balto on your own, that you guys would make an amazing couple. Like girl. Do. You. Need. HELP! (sorry I was born dramatic)

Just gonna be blunt she shipped you with Katelyn cause you said you had a thing for blue hair. Then all of the sudden in Kawaii~Chan's eyes she saw a ship.

She shipped you with Garroth until she realized you're into bad boys.

She shipped you with Aaron. Now now let me explain. She shipped you two together before she met Aphmau. Cause you told her you liked bad boys with a tough exterior. And her brain went immediately to Aaron.

She shipped you with Blaze way before Ein even arrived to the school. It was like her OTP, besides Aarmau. Then she realized you're more into bad boy werewolf's.

She shipped you with Daniel, but you told her you're not into werewolves and that you're more into Meif'was.

She shipped you with herself and she confessed to you. In you're defense you and Zane didn't tell them till 6 months into the relationship. And she told you 4 month into you and Zane's relationship. You turned her down gently and told her that you already had and boyfriend. To which you told her and she started on fanart of you and Zane. Now she has a shrine in her basement.

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