When he's jealous

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He's doesn't get jealous often, but when he does he stands behind you and glares at the person who is making him jealous.

Yes the Casanova gets jealous, and when he does he grabs your waist and pulls you close to him while he kisses your neck and shoulder.

He hugs your waist and tells the person while stuttering to stop flirting with you since you guys are dating.

He puts his hand in the back pocket of your pants and will glare at the person flirting with you. If he person flirting with you doesn't leave Travis will start threatening them " If you don't leave me and my girlfriend alone I will smack the shit out of you."

He does the same thing as Travis. (Travis learned well)

He will threatened the person flirting with you. "If you don't stop flirting with my girlfriend I will get my gang to beat the fuck out of you." (He doesn't want you to see all the violence since you are a innocent cinnamon roll in his eyes)

This boy will just straight up text your sister and say, 'You better get here before Y/n beats the shit out of someone." She reply's, 'God dammit Zenix! Why can't it grow some balls and just hold her back!?" 'Cause she can kick my ass just like she did in highschool!' She reply's back, 'Fine asshole!'

He will glare at them and if it continues he will growl and punch them. (Simple as that)

He flatten his ears to his head and hiss. (Yep I ran out of ideas at the end sorry!)

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