Ein x Reader (part 1)

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During Emerald Secret there will be a lot of parts. But I'll be doing them randomly during the summer. Also for me to continue this new series, I will have to cancel the soulmate one. The dialogue in this chapter is created by Aphmau. (outfit above is what your wearing)

Your POV

I stood aside Ein waiting for Aphmau to return with my older brother Aaron. I know Aaron thought of me as a traitor for loving Ein, but I didn't care.
My werewolf ears pick up the sound of snow crunching and Aphmau's voice. My tail wags at the sound of hearing my brother whisper under his breath. I glance over at Ein his hood casting a shadow over his eyes, yet I can still his silver eyes showing craziness but like I said I don't care.
The wooden door opens and close. I feel Ein's tail brush against my leg which makes me smile. I look over at him and give him a confident look. He looks over at me and smiles slightly and nods. (In the story Aph isn't Ein's fiancée)
The wood creaks at the steps and the creaking stops, Ein nudges me gently with his elbow to tell me we need to walk. We head down the stairs, when we get to the bottom Aphmau notices us.
"Oh guys! There you are!" She gasps at us in happiness and pulls us into a hug.
"Good girl, you've done what I asked." Ein states to Aphmau.
"Anything for you~." Aphmau states all giggly and flirty like to Ein. I growl at her to make a point that I'm still alpha and that I'm his mate. She lowers her head in understanding and glances at me. I show her my canines to scare her off of Ein. She backs up a little and avoids my gaze.
"You after all these years." Ein says his voice deep.
"You MONSTER!!!" Aaron yells at Ein I growl loudly at him and show him my teeth my hair covering my face casting a shadow.
"Take that back you beast." I growl under my breath in hatred.
Aaron walks closer to us, "What did you do to her?!" He states in pure rage, I ball my fist up in anger trying not to speak hateful words towards my brother.
Ein laughs at Aaron reaction, "Isn't it obvious?"
"Answer me!" Aaron yells in more hatred.
Ein laughs more, and removes his mask. I lift my head and show my face.
"You!" Aaron states looking at me and Ein.
"Remember?" Ein says in a calm voice, he grabs my hand his his and intertwines our fingers.
"I doubt you ever forgot." Ein states still calm.
"Ein, Y/n!" Aaron states in a pure rage.
"Take a good look at her Aaron." Ein says glancing at Aphmau.
"She's mine now." He says looking fully at Aphmau. I growl at this which causes Ein to smile and squeeze my hand in reassurance.
"What have you done to her?!" Aaron states eyes wide on rage.
"I took back what should've been mine, Aaron." Ein states, I growl quietly.
"She belongs to us~and she's almost perfect." Ein states.
"YOU!" Aaron states while gritting his teeth.
"Temper now, Aaron." Ein says calmly.
"Darling, Aphmau~ why don't you two go to the bedroom and get dressed into something more............ comfortable."
"Yes Ein! Hehe."
"Of course my love."
"Don't you dare!" Aaron states in anger.
"Stop! You forget Aph's in my control. Make one wrong move, and you'll regret it." Ein states with slight anger showing and no longer calm. Aaron gasps at his statement.
"Come back when your ready, darling~, Aphmau." Me and Aphmau turn and walk to the stairs.

Authors POV ( oh my Irene)
Ein watches the girls go up the stairs.
"Now... you and I need to talk. About old times." Ein says turing towards Aaron.
"There is nothing to talk about!" Aaron says in a pure rage. (My thumbs hurt a lot)
"Hahaha! Oh yes there is!" Eins says anger showing more and more through his words.
"Do you remember, back in high school?" Ein asks.
"I finally had EVERYTHING I yearned for."
"The respect. The power! I let people walk all over me. ALL for the sake of getting what I wanted." Ein states his crazy showing a little.
"And then you took it all away from me, except for Y/n. You and that... mongrel Blaze!!!"
"I have no idea what your talking about?" Aaron states confused.
"Don't play dumb!" Ein states in a rage.
"I found out Aaron... you can't hide it! I know it was you that day! You were the one who dethroned me as alpha, when I RIGHTFULLY earned it!" Ein states.
"You did earn anything, I gave you alpha! You were the one who manipulated people, and tricked them into getting what you wanted! That's not something an alpha would do!" Aaron states with rage in his voice.
"I am my own alpha! I play by my rules! And as an ultima... YOU have no place in this world!"
Aaron gasps at Eins words his face full of shock.
"Suddenly nothing to say? You must've thought you were being so clever. That no one would ever find out about the ultima. You always were so smug." Ein says.
"What do you know?" Aaron asks.
"More then you think. It's not just the fairy tale most think it is. The ultima werewolf was the first werewolf. He turned normal humans into werewolves, and was shunned by humans and werewolves alike. His bloodline still lives on, and it lives... in you." Ein states one again.
"You don't know what your talking about!" Aaron states in anger turning to the side.
"On the contrary! The man who had me hunt the emeralds, used to talk about the story of the first werewolf. He knew the bloodline was real. He told me all about how he hunted down any information on the ultima bloodline. A person with the ability to transform ANYONE into a werewolf, must have unimaginable power." Ein stares once again.
Aaron states to gasp heavily in panic.
"One day, my curiosity got the better of me. I had to know more. I snuck into that old mans room. Locked in his desk was a journal of all his findings. Do you know what I found?" Ein says and questions. (Idk I'll finish this chapter even if I miss sleep!)
"Huh?" Aaron questions.
"The ultima werewolf. It can all be traced back, to one family. The Lycan family." Ein states once more.
Aaron gasps And turns further away from Ein.
"I never knew if that old man ever found out where the Lycan family was. But I did. But I wasn't about to tell him that I know EXACTLY were the ultima werewolf is. Isn't that right? Aaron Lycan?"
Aaron jumped back in surprise his eyes widen to the size of saucers.
"Ahahahahahah! That look on your face! I'm right aren't I? YOU are the ultima werewolf. It was all SO obvious. I knew that day years ago you dethroned me that SOMETHING was different with your ears and tail. Something about you. Even though you're a mask screamed, MONSTER!" Ein said in a crazy tone in his voice.
"All of this was just to get back at me for something that happened in high school?!" Aaron yelled a angrily.
"This goes so much deeper than that." Ein states.
Suddenly Lucinda and Michi walk onto the balcony above and looks down at them.
"Their ready for you, brother." Lucinda says in a calm tone. Ein laughs, "Perfect timing. Bring them to me."
"Tell me Aaron. When were you planning to turn her into a werewolf? Was it in high school? Or were you waiting for something? OR! Were you never even planning to tell her what you really are?" Ein asks in a cocky curious tone.
Aaron breaths heavier.
"That's it isn't it? You were NEVER gonna tell her that you are a werewolf. Not even that, you were never going to tell ANYONE that you are the ultima werewolf! And you know why? Because you choose to live, as a DISGUSTING human. This entire time! You his it fro everyone! So you could be one of them! You're ashamed of who you are, aren't you Aaron?"
Aaron breaths deeper and turns further away from Ein.
"Am you chose to live... a LIE! This entire time! Just like your father."
The balcony doors open Aphmau and Y/n walk out. Aphmau in a revealing light blue outfit. While Y/n's wearing a gray tank top, with black skinny jeans and her light tan fuzzy ugg boots.
"Ah, the real reason I wanted you here. Oh Aphmau, darling~ come to me." Ein says calming down at the sight of you.
Y/n and Aphmau walk over to the stairs and head down them.
"You will make her a werewolf."
"I will not!" Aaron states harshly at Ein.
Ein scoffs at Aaron's reply.
"Heh! Just use a potion to turn her into a werewolf! Simple!" Michi says sassily.
"You idiot Meif'wa! Hold your tongue! A potion werewolf. Is not. A pure one!!! She needs to be cleansed of her DISGUSTING humanity!!!" Ein yells angrily at the purple haired Meif'wa.
"NEVER! I will never make her a werewolf against her will!" Aaron yells towards Ein.
"I wasn't asking!" Ein yells back.
Ein throws a greenish bluish potion at Aaron. He dodges the potion, which enrages Ein. The potion breaks at the contact with the wooden floor.
"You... broke my potion! How dare you?! I only had two of them." Ein says angrily.
"I won't be a pawn for your sick games!" Aaron yells back.
"Fine." Ein says breathing in.
"If you won't turn her then what's the most painful thing I can do to hurt you? Make you suffer." Ein says with his head down. He looks up at Y/n and Aphmau, he nods his head telling Y/n to come to his side. Once she does Ein asks, "Aphmau~ what would you do for me?"
"Anything~" Aphmau says flirtatiously which makes you growl at her.
"Perfect." Ein says back to Aphmau, and turns to Aaron with his hand over waist in your front pocket.
"What are you doing?" Aaron asks.
"Taking away the only good thing you'll ever have." Ein says his words like venom. Ein grabs another potion and tosses it at Aphmau's feet.
"Aph!" Aaron yells in worry.
The light green swirls surround Aphmau, her eyes flash a brighter green.
"What did you do?!" Aaron asks in worry.
"Ahahaha! The first potion was to make her love me forever! The second potion to make her despise you from the bottom of her heart forever." Ein states as happy as a kid on Christmas.
The green slowly fades away from air around Aphmau as she looks around. Ein grabs a knife from his pocket and walks over to Aphmau, she grabs the knife and looks at it.
Eins eyes narrows as he states, "Kill him."
Aphmau's eyes narrows full of hatred and looks at Aaron.
"Aph." Aaron says nervously and carefully.
"Aphmau I know this ain't you. It's just a potion. You can beat it." Aaron says.
"You don't even know me." Aphmau states.
"That's not true! Please remember!" Aaron says in a shocked and scared tone.
"Look at you Aaron! Where are you now? No friends to help you! You never spent time making friends!" Aphmau says in hatred.
"I couldn't... I." Aaron stutters, Ein laughs at this,
"Didn't you hear me? She now hates you more than anything in the world."
"The perfect plan, brother." Lucinda says calmly.
"I want his last thoughts to be of how miserable his life has become." Ein states with venom in his words.
The wolf girl bursts through a door and runs to Ein's side and bows.
"Alpha! Please stop this!" The Wolf girl asks.
Ein looks down at her with a raging glare.

Down in the basement of Ein's cabin
"Aaron? Zane? What's going on? Aaron sounds like he's in trouble!" Garroth questions.
"Oh, that's just brother. He said he plans to kill Aaron. Don't worry, it should be over soon. Zane states calmly yet bluntly.
"What?" Garroth asks in panic."

Back into the cabin
"I know you can hear me. I know the woman I still love is in there. Somewhere." Aaron says towards Aphmau. She then kicks Aaron through the door, causing the door to break.
"Please! I'll do anything! Just spare him! He's done nothing!-" before Tateana can finish her sentence Ein grabs her head and slams it into a wooden pole, and drops her.
"Don't tell me what I can, and cannot do. You're lucky I haven't erased you and the rest of your pathetic little pack!" Ein says in a rage.
Tateana looks at him in shock and fear, getting a sympathetic look from Y/n.
"But you wouldn't you promised." Tateana says in shock,
"Quiet!" Ein yells at her,

Down in the basement (For the love of Irene!)
"I need to help Aaron!" Garroth states in worry, and attempts to widen the bars apart. They screech and squeak, Garroth breaks the bars and jumps out.
"Aaron! I'm coming!" Garroth yells. (Sweet cheese and crackers I need holy water!)
With Aaron and Aphmau
"Aphmau.. listen to me." Aaron says with fear yet confidence.
"Listen to a coward? You always think you know what's best for me." Aphmau day in hatred.
"Aaron! Aphmau! Hold on!" Garroth yells in worry.
"Stop him!" Ein yells at Lucinda. She walks up closer to Garroth.
"The reason I even talked to you is because I felt sorry for you! A sad little boy with no friends." Aphmau states.
"Halt!" Lucinda yells at Garroth with her staff glowing green. Garroth stood dead in his tracks not being able to move.
"What? I can't move." Garroth states questioningly.
Aaron's at the edge if the cliff Aphmau still holding the knife.
"Aph... I will always love you." Aaron says with soft caring eyes.
"You... NEVER... made me happy." Aphmau says with gritting teeth.
"Please." Aaron begs.
"The best thing, you could do for me? Is die." Aphmau says with anger and hatred.
Aphmau stabs Aaron in the stomach and pushes him off the cliff. Watching him fall to his death.

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