Aaron x Reader

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Aaron's POV

I wake up to the white ceiling, the bright lights coming from the window blinding me. I feel a light weight on my chest as I look down. I see Y/n cuddling into my chest with her arms wrapped around my stomach. I feel her short\long legs wrapped around my waist. I forgot how cuddly she is.
I hear the alarm on her phone vibrating and a quiet buzzing sound coming from it. She snuggles her head farther into my chest and closes her eyes tighter. I grab her phone from her bedside table and turn the alarm off. After the buzzing is turned off her eyes loosen and her grip on my stomach loosen. I sigh and put my arm under her and wrap my arm around her back. I grab my phone off my bedside table to check the time. I turn it on and see it's 8:15 am and 10 text messages from my ex Aphmau and 2 texts from Katelyn I'm guessing checking on Y/n. I put in my password which is Y/n's birthday and message Katelyn back.
Katelyn: Hey Aaron hows Y/n?
Katelyn: Sorry if I woke you up please answer my text when you wake up.

Me: Hey Katelyn, Y/n is fine and no you didn't wake me up so it's fine.
She messages me back in a couple seconds.
Katelyn: Ok, I'm glad.
Me: Why were you asking?
Katelyn: Cause yesterday when she came to see me she said that she wasn't feeling good.

Me: Oh, she jut had a small cold. Don't worry I took care of her.

Katelyn: Thank you for taking the care of my baby sister.
Me: It's no problem Katelyn I'm just taking care of the person I love.

Katelyn: Thanks for treating my sister right.
Me: I'm just treating her like she should be.
Katelyn: Gtg Kawai~Chan needs help. Bye Aaron!

Me: Bye Katelyn.

I feel Y/n shift and unwrap her legs from my waist and put them on top of my legs. I smile down at her and pull her body closer to me, I put my phone down and place my arm on my side holding her hand and intertwining my fingers with hers. A small smile appears on her face as she cuddles further into my side. I just lay there and sometimes play with the tips of her hair. Smiling the whole time being happy that I have this beautiful woman laying beside me. I kiss her forehead and tell her,
"I love you Y/n now and forever."

Aphmau boyfriend scenarios and one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon