How he reacts to you smiling

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(a/n I'm back ladies and gents! So my depression is still bad but it's getting better now that I'm getting rid of the bad things that caused it or triggered it. And the rumors have stopped spreading so I'm doing better then I was. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Bye bye ladies and gents! 💜🍪)

He can't help but give a small smile back. He loves your smile and says that it's contagious.

His light blue eyes light up with happiness that your smiling. He can't help but smile back.

He blushes a light pink and smiles a small handsome smile.

He is usually the reason you smile, cause he made you laugh. If you start smiling from laughter he just starts laughing with you. Like they say laughter is contagious.

He blushes a pink color and gives himself a pat on the back for making you smile.

He smirks and chuckles at your silliness. In his eyes your just his little cinnamon roll of a girlfriend.

He blushes a dark pink and turns his head away and covers his face with his hand, but behind his hand he's smiling like a big dork.

He gives a teeny tiny smile that almost invisible. Cause he doesn't want to show that he weak to you. But behind him his tail is wagging like a dork.

He smiles along with you his tail wagging like a helicopter blade.

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