Naina knows everything that happens in here, and is not scared. All criminals get beaten up into a horrible state, she closes her eyes to let them do whatever they want to do. They can't be violent with her as she is a senior crime investigator. She stands up and goes to her cell telling the officer to lock the door. Salman along with Sameer and thier family come in to see her.

Salman: The media are talking rubbish about you, we all believe you Naina, none of this is your fault, and the lawyer is here to fight for your case.

Naina: But we don't have any evidence though

Lawyer: You can tell us what happened?

Naina: I had found out Varun's location, and I got injected here on my neck. When I woke up I was at an old warehouse with my feet tied. Varun and Soumya came inside, and they want to take revenge from both of us just because we are enemies, and I have a lot of power, well right now it's gone down the drain. They both started beating me up, and I became unconsious. When I woke up I saw that man was shot, and I was holding the gun. I don't know what that family will be going through right now, obviously they want me to get hanged and get justice for thier son.

Lawyer: We need to start collecting evidence then, Naina will you tell us the location?

She tells them the location, and Deepika starts crying at the thought of all of this.

Naina: Deepika your my strong girl right? Please don't cry or else I will fall weak, and I need your motivation.

Swati: God is testing you so many times.

Naina: I accept this as my punishment for all the wrong doings that I have done in the past, there can never be a worse punishment than this.

A person comes into the police station, and looks at Naina. She tells the officer that she is an eye witness of Naina's case. There is some hope for her.

Eye witness: Naina you can never do anything wrong. Just yesterday you saved a bomb blast from happening, and this happens so suddenly. Your fans love you so much, and we know that you are our idol.

Naina becomes overwhelmed, and turns around not facing them all. She is so grateful that so many people love her even in her bad phase. She starts praying, and they all see her doing that.

Naina: Dear god you can test me anytime, I can't be in control of my destiny, there is always a reason or a lesson that can be learnt from this. I'm getting to experience my worst side of being a criminal, because I'm always so good. God I know that I haven't done anything and why would I kill someone who is innocent?

A Few Days Later

After coming out of court she feels heartbroken as she comes to know that the family want to punishment her harshly even if she is a police officer. She will have to wait for the next hearing, and by then they need all the evidence. She knows that Varun and Soumya have framed her for all of this, and she becomes really angry.

Naina: Muhjhe kuch karna paregha. I will have to solve this case by myself even if it means I'm breaking the law.

She sees a ventilator and opens it crawling inside putting it back in it. It leads her into the kitchen, and she sees that the back door is open. She runs away from there, and goes back to that location to find some clues.

Naina: I need to find that injection first.

She goes inside the warehouse jumping over the banner, and finally finds it. She picks it up and smells it, there is some sort of drug inside. Naina goes back outside, and finds a PCO. She rings the forensic doctor to arrive here, he refuses at first since he will get caught, and then he agrees to it. He finally shows up, and gives it to him. He tells her that the report will be made by tommorow.

Naina: What happened to that body?

Doctor: Naina what your thinking is absolutely correct, but you need evidence to show in court.

She goes back to jail, and falls asleep. It is the next morning and she is reading the newspaper of how this video got viral. She becomes even more confused as someone else was there to defame her. She rips it, and throws it elsewhere.

Police officer: There is a phone call for you

Doctor: Naina that injection had a dangerous drug where it wipes your memory out for some time. I will be coming into court to explain about this, and now we need to find those three people.

Naina: Yes I won't do anything

He understands what she is trying to say to her and disconnects the call. When she turns around she sees Amy and Jason there staring at her. They both suddenly hug her for not believing her at all, and she forgives them.

Amy: We are so sorry, we both have let you down.

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