War of Hormone - Part II

Start from the beginning

"Let them dangle so it doesn't wrinkle your skin back here." Hanbin sat down and ran his nitrile-covered fingers over my skin. I had to suppress a shiver. "Are you sure you want it here? It might look weird with all this scar tissue."

"I'd rather have something there I can remember. Something that means something."

"Whatever you want. As long as you don't care." Hanbin pressed the gun to my skin and got to work. Jimin offered to hold my hand and I took it, more because he looked like he wanted me to need him rather than me actually needing him. The pain wasn't small, but somehow I was able to compartmentalize it so I could ignore it. After a while, the pain was almost enjoyable. Something felt familiar about it. I felt the ghost of a memory surface like images in a pool of water. They were murky and unclear, but I could almost make out the face of a woman with long, wavy black hair and a mischievous smile that made me feel happy and incredibly sad at the same time.

Taehyung cleared his throat from the wall in front of me and Jimin gave my hand a little squeeze. "Morgan, you okay?"

I coughed and blinked a few times. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why? What's up?"

"Your eyes started to do that thing again."

"What thing?"

Jimin looked behind him at Hobi who had a worried look on his face as he shook his head. Jimin turned back around with that fake smile of his. "Nothing, never mind."

"No, what? Tell me."

"We'll talk about it later," Taehyung said in that deep, dangerous voice of his that meant business. His arms were still crossed over his chest, but a little of his cold facade had cracked. He, too, was worried. My eyes burned into his, but he wasn't budging. Sometimes it was hard to remember he was the second youngest of the group.

"Fine," I said with a sigh as I put my face back down. A few minutes later, Hanbin announced he was done and blew out a bored breath. Apparently the plain, stylized wings that I'd seen on the chopsticks at the house weren't enough of an artistic challenge for him. He started cleaning up his equipment while Hobi handed me a couple mirrors so I could see his work. I had to admit, it looked good on me.

"Now you're officially one of us," Jimin beamed.

"But won't people get suspicious when they see this considering I'm supposed to be your personal whore?"

"I think the time for that rouse has come and gone," Taehyung said as he pushed away from the wall and bent over my back to see the tattoo. He gave an approving cluck of his tongue and stepped away. He wasn't going to touch me any more than he had to. I tried not to let that hurt. As much as I was attracted to Jungkook, I was also attracted to Taehyung and I couldn't stand the idea of him not being comfortable around me anymore because of what he'd seen. Really, I was feeling some kind of way about all the boys, but I didn't want to entertain those dark thoughts. Even as advanced as our society had become, monogamy was still the norm.

"Yeah, after last night, it's already spread around that you're more than just a prostitute." Hobi handed Hanbin some money before the younger walked over to bandage my new ink.

My eyes went wide and I held out a hand to stop him. "Wait, people know what I am?"

Jimin leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "No. We were able to hide that much. But enough people saw you rushed out of that room and know what happened to Cha Hakyeon's crew that they've figured out you're one of us. Word travels fast in the underworld."

I relaxed with a huff and let Hanbin push my head forward so he could clean and sanitize my tattoo. It stung, but I only winced a little.

"We'll keep you safe, Morgan," Jimin whispered.

I bit my lip without looking up. It wasn't my own safety that I was worried about. Something deep down told me I had just painted marks on all their heads, but I couldn't for the life of me remember why that could be.

 Something deep down told me I had just painted marks on all their heads, but I couldn't for the life of me remember why that could be

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It's late and this may be shit. Thanks for being awesome and continuing to read this crap. I love you guys!

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