Chapter 15

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Harry POV

“Hey Grimmy!” I said through the phone. It was laying on the bed, on speaker for Brooklyn to hear too. 

“Harry! How you doing mate?”

“I’m fine, you alright?”

“Yeah, good, good. So you requested to call me, what is the chaotic mess going about? I’m sure it isn’t true because how could you get married and not have the best man there” He joked. 

“You are one funny lad. But, no. Yeah Brooklyn and I, we are just dating. It is all a big misunderstanding”

“So, young Harold, please explain to me how this whole mess came about.” Grimmy said. I heard Brooklyn laugh as she curled her hair in the mirror. 

“Ok, you see, we have been talking about marriage but in the way way way way way way way future. Way. So I took Brooklyn shopping um yesterday was it babe?” 

“Two days” She said. 

“Two days ago and well she got this pair of shoes that she is completely obsessed with and is in fact, yup she is wearing them now” I said leaning over to see if the Jeffrey Campbell’s were on her feet. 

“Harry, is this story ever going to be over?” Nick whined. 

“Oh, right. Sorry. Ok so we left the store with the shoes and she was explaining that she would marry them if she wasn’t going to marry me in the way future!” I explained. 

“Ah, I see” He pondered. “So are we going to have a chat with the lovely lady who stole your heart?” Grim asked. 

“Um, babe?” I shrugged. She looked at me through the mirror and gave me a unsure look, I pouted and she sighed, placing the curling iron down and hopped onto the bed. 

“Hello!” She said into the phone. 

“Well hi! It’s nice to finally speak to you! I mean being Harry’s good friend and all, you would think I would have been introduced to his girlfriend, but no, he doesn’t have time for me anymore now that he is a big pop star” I chuckled. That’s Grimmers for ya. 

“Haha, yeah!” She said, I could tell she felt uncomfortable, unsure of what to say. 

“So, love, how did you and Harry meet?” He asked. Really, I’m pretty sure everyone knows.. 

“Well, actually I’m Louis’ cousin, so when they came to New York my sister and I toured them around and stuff.”

“That’s cool. And was it love at first sight?” He asked. She looked at me and I smiled, but she returned it with a sly smile. 

“Oh for Harry, it sure was” She said into the phone. I cocked my head and furrowed my eyebrows. She gave me a devious smile and then I knew that she was going to spill the beans. 

“And am I supposed to know what the means”

“You see Harry used to- AH HARRY STOP!” She said, unable to squirm away from being tickled. “HARRY GET OFF!” She complained. 

“Um, guys?” Grimmy asked through the phone. I jumped off of Brooklyn and ran across the room. 

“Got to go Grim! Big love, speak to you soon.” I said quickly before hanging up. 

“Oh, you’re gonna get it” I said, prancing onto her, pinning her down and tickling her on the bed. 

“They have to know!” She said in between laughter. 

“No! No they don’t!” I said, unable to shy away my smile. 

We continued this argument for forever until there was a knock on the door. I gave Brook a jokingly threatening look and she giggled while putting her hands up as if to surrender. 

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