Chapter 1

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This story takes place in the future, with the boys present songs.

Harry POV 

I sat there. My eyes glued to the computer, just like every other day for the past couple of months. Countless times have I scrolled through her adorable pictures and hilarious tweets. But, the infinite times I've hovered my mouse over her follow button has left me feeling like a whimp. I just don't have it in me to click it.  

"I don't understand why you don't just follow her?" Zayn was sitting next to me on the couch in our hotel room, watching as I aimlessly scrolled through the page.

"Because then it'll look like I'm desperate" I told him, momentarily looking up at the other boys.

"No, it'll look like you are going on a follow spree. Just follow a bunch of fans." Liam said, like it was no big deal. Pft, like he would know. 

"You don't understand, she's not a fan. I can't just randomly follow her if she hasn't tweeted to me. It's fine, I'll just stick to this." I said.

"To what? Staring at her page until she posts something new?" Louis mocked me, rolling his eyes.

"Yes." I replied, simply.

"You're worse then our girls..." Niall shook his head in both amusement and disbelief.

Her name is Brooklyn. Brooklyn Jones. She's nothing special, just gorgeous, intelligent, cute, and everything that you can ask for in a girl. The thing is, I stalk her. Not in that creepy homeless guy type of way. I just have her twitter bookmarked on my computer and scroll through it on a regular basis. I've never spoken to her, she might not even know I exist. However, that would take living under a rock, and with the amount of times she tweets a day, I don't think she lives under a rock.

I'm Harry Styles. Famous for taking part in One Direction, the British/Irish sensational band, yada yada yada. Who really cares? Not Brooklyn....

I really get myself down sometimes.

Anyways, about the lady of the hour: someone who I follow retweeted her and her tweet ended up on my timeline. The second her twitter page uploaded onto my computer screen I fell in love.

Yes, I'm in love. Completely in love with this girl I've never spoke to, never met, just stalk. In the non creepy way.

"Oh she tweeted again" I chirped, refreshing the page.

Now you may be judging me, but look at yourself, here you are reading some fan fiction with all the tabs on your computer open starting with "One Direction" so shush.

'Family reunion in LONDON! Ah, yes I'm part Brit' it read. My face instantly fell into a frown. Of course this would happen. I'm in LA, recording some stuff for the second album, while the love of my life is taking a trip to London. My home. I seriously have the worst luck. 

"What did she say this time?" Niall teased, peering over my shoulder at the laptop perched on my knees. "Family reunion in London. That's rough, mate." A look of sympathy flashed over the boys faces; right, and a few minutes ago they were all making fun of me. 

"Hello" Louis interrupted the Harry Styles pity party, his phone now pressed to his ear. "Hey mom!"

A chorus of "Hey Jo's" filled the room as their conversation went on.

"She says hi!" He replied. "Oh really... I just have to make sure it wouldn't conflict with everything....  you booked the tickets and everything? ..... I guess I don't really have a choice, now... Love you too... bye" He hung up, his eyes wandering to me. "Lads, I have a family reunion in London in two weeks so I won't be able to perform at the Florida shows." 

My jaw dropped. No. No way. 

"You're related to Brooklyn." It was a whisper, but they could all hear it. 

"I highly doubt they are related, Harry." My head snapped towards Liam, my eyes glaring at his frame. "Oh, don't give me that. Mate, really, what are the chances that this random girl your obsessed is related to one of your best friends. It just doesn't really add up." 

"Louis," I said, turning towards him, ignoring Liam's words. "you would set us up, right? If your related." He hesitantly nodded as I grinned to myself.

It was finally happening.

Brooklyn's POV

"If you have any hot cousins, you know... I'm available." Madison flicked the hair off her shoulder in a suggestive manner.

"Maddie, you are far from single. You're finace is standing 2 feet away from you and just so happens to be my brother." I reminded her, rolling my eyes at my best friend. 

Sure, it was weird. My best friend and brother getting married- dating for the past, well, forever; but I got used to it. Kind of.

"Yeah, but Brett doesn't have an accent." 

I mentally face palmed. "You're a disgrace." I told her, pulling her in for a hug. Sure, she was stupid, but I would miss her.

I was at the airport, on my way to London. In about a week I'll be at my Grandma's sister's house meeting my extended family for the first time. To say I was excited would be an understatement. 

We got onto the plane, my family and I, and took our seats. I quickly slipped my phone out of my pocket and tweeted 'And we're off.' It would be my last tweet for a week, or so; this was a big moment for me. I was addicted to my electronic devices, and social media, so as I put my phone on airplane mode and completely turned it off, I surpressed a whimper. 

"I hope we have hot cousins." Bailey blurted from beside me. 

"Bails!" I quietly squealed, slapping her arm. "You can't say that. I mean they're our cousins for god sakes." I told my twin sister. We were identical, very few people could tell us apart. "You're worse than Mads!" 

"I can still hope." She mumbled before plugging her earphones in her ears and drifting off to sleep for our plane ride from New York to London.

With a quick layover in Miami, we finally landed in London. My eyes were still heavy from my slumber, however, the numerous clicks of a camera and girlish squeals from down the ramp woke me up.

Confused, I looked ahead to see about 50 girls with signs and camera's flashing, a couple of old men in the mix as well. Now, I knew I had a lot of fans, but I wasn't expecting a welcoming party at the airport. (I make myself chuckle) Despite my terrible humor, I was still confused as to why there were a bunch of fangirls cheering as we walked by. But when my eyes landed on a guy, clad in plaid PJ bottoms and a stripped sweater, who was being escorted by a tough looking guy down to baggage claim, my questions were answered. It didn't take me a second to realize he was from One Direction, a band that has created all chaos in little girls minds, and some of my friends, unfortunately. His name blew my mind, but I knew it started with an L.  

"Oh my god! It's Louis from One Direction!" My sister squealed in my ear. Neither one of us were directioners, but we knew of them. I admit, I downloaded their album on my computer a couple weeks ago, it was pretty descent.

"That's so cool! We were on the same plane as him!" I told her. She nodded and we continued on, following our family to baggage claim.

Harry POV

Literally seconds from throwing my phone against the wall, I screamed into the receiver.


"What was I supposed to do, Harry? 'Hey! my best mate stalks you on twitter. He really fancies you!' Would you have liked me to say that?"

"Well now you can't" I said, "because she's gone."

"Sorry mate, Andy called me along and I couldn't get him mad. I have to go, my mom and sisters are here. I'll talk to you later."

"UGH" I groaned and hung up my phone. Great, just great.

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