Chapter 28

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I know some of you are gonna skip over this so whatever, read on, I mean whatever... but for those NICE people who care:

This is kind of a filler, sorta, just so I can jump into other things without it being all over the place. So I say about 5 more chapters, maybe? Idk yet... I'll let you know! 

Ok read on! Bye

Brooklyn POV

"Just keep them closed" I groaned while Harry's hand hovered over my eyes. 

"Harry, I know we are in Jamaica! By my screams and squealing on the plane, I think we can all tell that I am excited about where we are, so can you just take your hands off my eyes before I-" His hand fell from my eyes and my voice got lost somehwere in my throat. "You rented this place?" I chocked out, in awe of the house that stood in front of me. 

Instead, Harry shook his head. 

"So you bring me to this house, ready for me to pee my pants because its so beautiful and then tell me that we aren't staying here? You are so obnoxious" I huffed.

Chuckling, Harry replied, "I never said we weren't staying here" a sly smile taking place on his face.

"But you- oh no you didn't" I said jumping on him, kissing his face everywhere possible. 

"welcome to our second home, baby!" He said, kissing me back. 

"You're insane, Harry Styles" I said, walking into the house. 

"I think we should do this the proper way, darling" Harry said, dropping our suitcases in the doorway and sweeping me off my feet. 

"Take me away, Prince Charming" I said. He chuckled, kissing my nose and then headed through the beautiful house. 

We got to the master bedroom, a beautiful view of the ocean straight ahead, and he threw me on the bed. 

"Don't move" He said, pointing at me sternly. 

"I don't have anywhere to go" I said, winking at him. He chuckled, leaving me in our room. 

Deciding that I haven't tweeted in a while I took out my phone. 

Tweet: Maybe this would be a good time to change my last name on twitter? 

And as expected I had 50+ Favorites and RTs in a matter of seconds. 

@Brooklyn_Styles: And can I also take a moment to say how insane @Harry_Styles is! I mean, a little over the top but dude, you are INSANE #loveyoubuddy 

A laughing Harry came back into the room with his phone in his mouth and rolling suitcases iin his hands. He flung himself onto the bed, tapping away on his iPhone. 

@Harry_Styles: @Brooklyn_Styles Buddy? Dude? I thought we were married? Guess the ring on your finger doesn't say much :( PS You're really pretty ;) 

"So cheesey you are, Mr. Styles" I said, turning on my side to face him. 

"As long as its feta, I'm fine with it" I threw my head back and laughed loudly. "Go get you're skimpy bathing suit on and meet me at the beach" 

"Skimpy?" I asked in disbelief. 

"I'm only kidding, but go get changed, love" He got up and took out a bathing suit for himself, sending me his famous smile, before leaving me in the room alone again. 

Harry POV

No wonder the Jone's loved coming here, it was perfectly hot, the beach was beautiful, it was soooo romantic. 

"Don't you think you need sunscreen?" A soft voice whispered in my ear. I smiled and squinted my eyes to look at Brooklyn. I pulled her onto my lap, her legs going on either side of my body. 

"I think I'll be alright" I said against her lips. 

"Mmmm not so sure about that" She said. 

"Shut up and kiss me" I said, having enough of the conversation and begging for her lips to be on mine. 

I lifted us both off the longue chair and started walking blindly towards the ocean. 

Brooklyn pulled away from our intense kiss, "Harry! Harry put me down! I don't want to get we-" Too late. She was surrounded by the blue water of the carribean. "Oh my god! I hate you!" She said as she broke the oceans surface. 

"Says the ring on your finger" I said, giving her a crooked smile and a raised eyebrow. She rolled her eyes, splashing me with the water that has yet to touch above my knees. 

"Yeah, how does that feel? Huh? Annoying yet?" She harassed, continuing to soak me with the water. Instead of talking I jumped on her, pushing her underneath the water and kissing her passionately. When we came back up she smiled, "I've always wanted to do that" 

"As did I! Now can we enjoy the water" I said floating at the top. Brooklyn giggled, trying to do the same, not necessarily succeeding, but she looked cute. 

After 2 minutes of enjoying the hot sun, I heard giggling really close to me and fluttered my eyes open to see a goofy looking Brooklyn standing 2 centimeters away from me. 

"Hello" She said, still laughing. 

"Why must you be this adorable?" I said, grabbing her waist and holding her tight. 

"I don't try, it just comes naturally" She shrugged. 

I changed my mind, maybe 2 more chapters. BUT DON'T WORRY! There is another book on its away! In fact I already started it! Ok, see ya! 

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