Chapter 14

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Brooklyn POV

“Are you gonna take those off yet? I’m tired of you being taller than me!” Bailey whined. 

“Blame Harry, he’s the one who got them for me!” I cheered, kissing my boyfriend on the cheek. 

“Ok, I shall be gone!” Bailey said with a frown. “Love you all!” She pulled us all in for hugs, saving Niall and I for last. “Love you” She whispered in my ear. 

“Love you too!” I said, letting Niall walk her down to the lobby himself. 

“Show in 3 hours, get ready, cupcake” Louis said to me. 

“Since when am I a baked good?”

“Since now!” He said. “Oh and PS when we go to the Philly El is coming down!” He cheered. 

“Aw! Yay! I can’t wait to meet her!” I said before following Harry into our room. 

“Ugh, do I have to shower?” I asked, flopping onto the bed. He did the same and started sniffing me. His nose touching my body made my laugh and squirming because I was so ticklish. “Harry, what are you doing?” I squealed. 

“You smell fine, you don’t need a shower” He said cheekily, before kissing me on my lips. 

“But you do” I said, pushing him off. 

“When I get back,” He started, walking into the bathroom, “you better have a different pair of shoes on.” He said. I shrugged and smiled shooing him away. 

About an hour and a half later, we were all cleaned up and unfortunately I was wearing a different pair of shoes. 

Since the arena was right around the corner, we decided, why not save some gas and burn a few calories. We walked out of the hotel, welcomed by flashing lights and screaming fans. The boys said hi to some fans and then scurried off so we could continue walking towards the arena. 

“Ummmm…” I said as I approached a newsstand. 

“What the fuck” I heard Harry say under his breathe. 

It wasn’t something you could miss. It was covering most of the daily magazines and newspapers on the stand. A closeup picture of Harry and I with “Mrs. Styles?” in big bold letters underneath it. 

I grabbed it and looked through it, trying to find the article. 

“Are you gonna pay for that, miss?” A guy asked in a nasty tone. 

“I don’t think I need to pay to read an article about myself” I shot back, pointing from my face to my face on the cover. He rolled his eyes and went back to his phone. 

“Harry…” I trailed off, knowing he was looking over my shoulder as I skipped the pages. “There it is” I said, I’m not sure if it was relief or panic. I read every word… 

“An on goer had heard the new “it” couple, One Direction’s Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson’s cousin and upcoming line B.Jones designer, Brooklyn Jones talking about marriage as they left a Urban Outfitter’s in New Jersey. Is this the real deal? Although they have been dating for a month, it seems more like a year, to us. Niall Horan, Harry’s band mate, had called Harry whipped when Brooklyn and her twin sister Bailey (who is dating the Irish member) were called up on stage during a show in New York to cover one of Ed Sheeran’s impossible songs You Need Me Man I Don’t Need You. Do you think it’s true? Should we be adding a new Styles to the picture? And do you feel as if this couple is perfect? Let us know by visiting our website and taking the survey!”

“What in the world” I heard Louis gasp behind us. 

“Ok, well we need to do something about this, because clearly, there is no ring on my finger nor did Harry do the honors of getting down on one knee” But of course, Harry being the HILARIOUS *note the sarcasm* guy he is, he slowly bends down on one knee. “HAROLD EDWARD STYLES. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? I WOULD RATHER NOT SEE MY FACE ON THE COVER OF A MAGAZINE SAYING ‘OH HARRY STYLES PULLS A PUBLIC PROPOSAL’” I squealed, barely taking a breathe. 

“But you’re beautiful.” Harry defended. 

“Not the time.” I said. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it.” He said. I gave him a look and he chuckled, “How many times was I accused of dating a girl and got out of it” He informed me. I shrugged. 

“Sorry, I didn’t follow your life as a teenager” He sighed and pulled me along. 

“I’m gonna call my friend Grimmy tomorrow, he’s a radio host for one of the biggest stations in the UK. I’ll set everything straight there and then we have an interview tomorrow afternoon so I’m sure I’ll be asked stuff. Don’t worry babe, I’ve got it covered” he informed me. 

I sighed before nodding my head and squeezing his hand. “Love you”

“Love you too princess” He said smiling down to me. 

We continued onto the arena and finally ended up in the boys backstage room. While they got their outfits on I bonded over fashion with Caroline and Lou. 

“Ugh there is never any time. Harry and Niall you need to dress yourselves. Um Brooklyn do you mind helping?” Caroline asked. 

“Not at all” I said. I shooed Niall off to get changed and went with Harry to help because well I’ve um seen well yeah I can. 

“Ooooh we are so badass” he said as I helped button up his shirt. 

“Because I’m helping you get changed?” I asked. 

“Well, yeah.” He mumbled. “You can’t get mad at me” He started. 


“I kind of want to see how people react to us being married or engaged, whatever they thought.”

“You mean you don’t want to tell anyone that we are merely dating?” I asked, dumbfounded but with a sarcastic tone. 

“Yeah. I mean it would be so funny!” He said. 

“Yeah, but then when they find out the truth they are gonna hate us. Like legit hate.”

“So let them hate. It would be funny!”

“Harry, are you drunk or something?” I asked. He looked at me with an “are you serious” face. “Harry, no! You have to tell them the truth. That is so rude and obnoxious” I said. 

“ugh fine!” He complained, while zipping up his pants. “I still love you though.” He said placing a quick peck on my lips. 

“Love you too, but lets go because I don’t want to get in trouble and kicked out for keeping you away from rehearsing and what not” I said, hitting his butt as he opened the door. He gave me another look and I returned with a cheeky smile. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad being fake married to Harry, but honestly I would feel so guilty for keeping such a huge secret from his fans. There is a day where everyone will know we are married, and that time it will be real. 

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