Chapter 11

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Harry POV

“So boys, how long until you leave New York and go around the states?” Brooklyn’s dad asked, as we all stood in the kitchen, getting away from the huge crowd of guests. 

“Well we leave on Tuesday for New Jersey, and then we go to Florida for a bit” Louis said. 

“Oh thats nice” He said. I saw Brooklyn look up when Louis said that and her face frown. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for her to come to a couple of shows in New Jersey, but once we leave for Florida, its going to be hard. I don’t expect her to come with me. She has a job and a life here in New York. This is going to be hard relationship, but I’m willing to make it work, because one day my intention is to make this girl my wife. 

“And Harry, where are you from?” Her dad said taking me out of my train of thought. 

“Hm, oh in Homes Chappell, Cheshire.”

“Oh, I don’t know it. Well, I’m sure it’s lovely” He smiled. “Ok, boys. It was nice talking to you all, but I must be on way to go mingle” He said sarcastically enthused before leaving the kitchen. I looked over at Brooklyn who was having a conversation with some girls who were unfamiliar to me. She saw me looking at her and smiled. She motioned for me to come over, and thats just what I did. 

“Hi.” I said. 

“Hello” She replied. “These are my high school friends, guys this is my boyfriend, Harry”

“Oh please, we know him. Hi Harry, it’s nice to meet you!” They said. I smiled and shook their hands. 

“Would you like to see my old room?” Brooklyn whispered into my ear. I smiled and nodded. She guided me up the stairs and down a long hallway before entering a door with her name painted onto it. “Tada” She said stepping in. She walked around a bit, letting her finger trace some furniture and pictures, while I shut the door and stepped inside. She sighed as she jumped onto the bed, lying down. “I miss this” She said. 

“Don’t you come here often?”

“Yeah, but I miss being a teenager, and not really caring. Not having work, not having to being so responsible. My mom being my alarm clock in the morning and me being stubborn and refusing to go to school.” She said. I smiled and walked over to her. 

“I’m gonna miss you” I said, taking her into my arms. 

“See, why do you need to bring that up?” She breathed into my chest. 

“Because I need you to know, I’ll be thinking of you ever second of the day.” I said. 

“I already know that, you dimwit. But now you made me sad” 

I kissed her head and took in this moment. 

“I promise, once this tour is over, whether its in New York or London, we are living together. We’ll have those times were we have work and can’t be with each other, but I can’t handle being so far from you” I said. She looked up at me and a tear rolled down her face. “Please don’t cry” I said. “I don’t like to see you sad” 

“It’s a mix of sad and happy” She whimpered. 

“Then smile for me” I asked. She forced a smile onto her face, while hot tears hit her face. 

“See what you do to me, Styles?” She said, rubbing under eyes to smear away the smudged eye makeup. 

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you enough how happy you make me.” I said, into her hair. We sat there for a while longer, just enjoying each others presence. 

“Guys?” I heard Bailey call. 

“Yeah?” I said. I could hear the door open, but didn’t look up. 

“Are you ok?” She asked hesitantly. 

“I’ve been better” Brooklyn’s muffled voice said into my chest. 

“Aw whats wrong?” She asked, sitting on the bed and rubbing her sisters arm for comfort. 

“Not in the mood, Bailey” She said. 

“Ok, well if you need to talk, I’m here” She said. I cleared my throat. “Or, Harry is here too” she said. I heard Brooklyn sob into my chest, again. Great, thanks Bails. “Um, I’m just gonna go” She said. 

“Shsh. It’s ok. Don’t cry” I said pulling her closer, if it was possible. “Look at me Brooklyn.” She didn’t budge. “Brooklyn” I said sternly. She slowly lifted her head. “I’m not going anywhere. I will be here if you need me. I’m yours forever and always. Plus we have like 3 days and you can come with us to New Jersey for a little if you want” She shrugged. “I love you” I said softly. 

“Love you too” She whispered. 

Brooklyn POV

Three days have passed and suddenly I’m standing outside the boys hotel, in baggy sweatpants and a juicy zip up sweatshirt. My hair is thrown up in a bun and there is not one ounce of makeup on my face. I don’t know if you could tell, but I’m not in my best state at the moment. I was taken back when I’m engulfed in someones arms. Not being able to see, I take a deep breathe in and I know exactly who it is after I smell that refreshing after shave. I sigh realizing I won’t be able to do this for a while. 

“Please don’t cry” Harry says after I whimper. “Babe, I love you so much” He pushes me away from him, keeping his hands on my shoulders and his eyes locked on mine. “It’s not like I’m leaving the country”

“Yet” I finish, tears falling unwillingly down my face. 

“Stop, don’t think about that. And remember what I told you” He says, bringing me back to when we laid on my bed for about an hour. 

“I love you” I said, being pulled into him one more time. 

“BROOKLYN!” heard Louis screech. 

“What, Lou?”

“Woah, I see the sass came from my mothers side” He said playfully. “But aren’t you gonna give you’re good ol cousin a hug?” He asked. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his torso. “Think about it, Eleanor has to deal with me half way across the world, a 5 hour time difference and a 12 hour flight back home. You and Harry, for the next week will be an hour car ride.” he informed me. I nodded and gave the other boys hugs. All of them were getting back into the car, while Bailey and Niall shared a goodbye kiss, erm maybe it was more of a sex with clothes on type of thing. Harry pulled me in for one last hug. 

“I’ll call you when we get to the hotel.” He said. I nodded and let him go. He shut the door and I can hardly seem him through the extra tinted windows. The engine started and I saw all the windows roll down. 

“I love you” Harry said over the engine. 

“Bye Harry” I sadly said, waving as the SUV pulled away. 

“Sigh” Bailey said. At least someone can make me laugh without even trying. 

“Bails, you can’t say sigh. It’s an actual action” I told her. 

“What, so that period of time where you would say gasp was ok, but now when I want to say sigh as my boyfriend is leaving for the next 2 months I can’t say sigh” 

“First of all, I was like 13 and second of all no you can’t. But lets head home, I’m gonna need a major chocolate ice cream and sad movie marathon.” I said. She nodded and we hooked arms as we made our way home. 

“Sigh” She said again. I laughed and bumped her hip, making us both stumble to the left laughing. 

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