Chapter 24

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\4 Months Later

Brooklyn POV

"I can't do this! I can't do this" She repeated, throwing her head in her hands and her body shaking slightly. 

"Just breathe! This is the moment you've been waiting for for practically your whole life!" I informed her. 

She sighed, "You're right, I just need to realize that I love him, and he loves me!"

"Plus, in the next 3 hours, tecniqually we will be related!" I told Eleanor. She smirked and I kissed her cheek. "Now, put on that dress! I spent a lot of time on that!" I joked, pointing at her while squinting my eyes. She giggled and stepped into the dress. 

"Zip me up?" She asked. I nodded and walked towards her. I started to zip her up, but when it got half way, it seemed to get tighter.

"Its not..." I breathed. 

"Its ok, it's a little tight, no biggy" Eleanor said, calmly. 

"I could have sworn that they were the righ measurements!" I cried out. 

"Brook, breathe, it's fine!" I sighed and looked her up and down, now that it was snuggly on her. 

"You look beautiful, Eleanor!" I said. 

"Thanks!" She said, a smile beaming on her face. 

There was a knock at the door and I went to open it to reveal my fiance.

"Can you not get more gorgeous everytime I see you? Thanks. Now, Eleanor, are you ready?" Harry said. Eleanor bit her lip and nodded. 

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked puckering my lips at Harry. He seemed as if he was thinking. "Pweeeeez" I said, puffing out my bottom lip. He chuckled and then placed a light kiss on my lips.

"57 more days" He whispered in my ear, creating chills through out my body. I smiled and kissed him again.

"Ok, ok, we get it! Now can we get on with the wedding?" Bailey said. Harry and I blushed and then hooked arms, as I was the maid of honor and Harry was the best man. Perfect, huh?  

The service was beautiful, and in a matter of 2 hours, Eleanor had become Eleanor Tomlinson. 

"I need family and close friends to come with me" The wedding planner yelled over all the commotion of the crowded lobby. 

I started walking with Zayn and Perrie, who I just met this morning, but was yanked to the side, on the other side of the wall that stood between the party and I. 

"Hey" His husky voice startled me. I smiled when I saw Harry standing centimeters away. 

"What are we doing?" I asked. 

"This" he said before smashing his lips onto mine. I smiled into the passionate kiss. But then realization hit me. 

"Harry" I mumbled against his lips. He chuckled, probably thinking I was getting um yeah. "Harry" I said more sternly. I was pushed up against a wall, so I couldn't pull away. He did, though, and looked at me. 


"You do realize that there is a wedding outside and both you and I are like the second most important people apart of it. So instead of shoving your tongue down my throat, lets go be supportive of our friends"

"Someone is in bridezilla mode" Harry joked. I glared at him. "Sorry" He said looking down. I giggled and pressed my lips againts his.

"Come on!" I cheered, pulling him by his arm.

When we got outside, Eleanor looked at us. She shook her head and laughed, knowing exactly what we were doing. I gave her an apologetic look and she shrugged it off. 

We spent about an hour of taking pictures. Although that time span was ridulous, I have to admit, the pictures came out beautifully.

"See you all in a couple of hours!" Louis said, waving to everyone as they exited the church.

It was now just Louis, Eleanor, Harry, and I. Lou and El shared a look and then turned back to us.

"What?" I asked.

"We wanted to tell you guys something" Eleanor said as Louis placed an arm around her waist.

"Yes?" I asked eagerly.

"Well, I'm... I'm 3 months pregnant" Eleanor said.

"Are you serious?" I practically screamed. Eleanor nodded.  I jumped on her, careful not to break her, but couldn't contain my excitement. 

"Congrats, mate" I heard Harry said, besides me, as he embraced Louis in a hug. I release Eleanor and jumped into Louis arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and hiding my face in the crook of his neck. 

"LouLou!!!!" I screeched. He dropped me, lightly on my feet and then looked at Eleanor again. 

"And well, when the little comquat comes out, we were wondering if you two wanted to be the god parents" Louis asked. 

I looked over at Harry to find that he was smiling down at me. 

"We would love to" I answered, for the both of us. Harry slipped his hand in mine and kissed my forehead.

_The party_

"I would like to make a toast to the bride and groom slash my best friend and cousin, who only make my life that much more exciting! Welcome to the family El! To the newly weds!" I said raising my champagne glass. Everyone did the same and we cheered on the couple. 

"Shall we dance?" I asked the guests. Everyone cheered in response again and some got onto the dance floor. 

"Very inspiring speech you gave! I think I let loose a couple of tears" Harry joked. I playfully pushed him. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close. My body touching his. 

"Like you can do any better" I teased. 

"Probably can" he shot back. 

"Go for it" I said, motioning for him to take the stage. 

"I'd rather keep my touching words for a more important day" Knowing exactly what he was talking about, I smiled. "Now dance with me" he demanded, snaking his arms tighter around my waist while I put my head in the crook of his neck. 

57 days was all.

---- JUst an FYI: It's going to be kind of jumpy from now on, going from year to year so I can finish this one and get to a new one. Sooooooooooooo yeah! Sorry that it was kind of short and was up so late, but I was having a gif war with my friend and yeah. I think she won. ANYWAYS! Thanks for all the reads and I'll try to get up the next part soOoOoOoON! 


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