Episode Five - Chapter 23: Curls and Girls

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Louis' POV

The walls I had built around myself these past few months were beginning to crack as I walked through my door into my apartment which was in darkness. The afternoon spent at the studio was made of shock, confusion, worry and tension; basically a mix every negative feeling you could think of. First this 'A' figure was messing with our safety, then our girlfriends, and now our careers. The thing with our careers is that it is bigger, it affects more people - our fans. I switched on the main light in my foyer to find my apartment floor covered in red rose petals. I frowned, wondering who did this. Was it a trap? Was it Eleanor? ....Or was it Cher...? I walked towards the petals which made up a path toward my bedroom, where the door was shut. I put my hand on the handle before freezing. What if it was a trap? Did I need to call someone? I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Harry's number. "Hello?" I heard his voice at the other end of the receiver. I kept quiet whilst turning the handle, so if there was anyone harmful behind the other side of the door he knew. "Hello? ....Louis?" he said through the speaker again. I walked in to my room which was romantically filled with lit candles, holding my phone with Harry on the line as though it were a weapon. No one was there. "Ha-Harry?" "Can you hear me?" he sounded on the other end. "Uh...uhh...yeah! No, I can." I said walking slowly into my ensuit looking for the romance culprit. "What's wrong?" "Uhh...nothing, nothing! Just wondering what you're thinking about this whole leakage thing?" I said sighing with relief as I sat on my bed, which was covered with the petals as well. Before he could answer, I spotted a familiar female figure in my doorway. Her volumed wavy hair flowed down over her shoulders and rested on her bare back. Her big brown eyes fluttered at me, making me weak at the knees. She twirled her hair around her fingers and walked towards me slowly. "Louis!?" I then realised Harry was still on the line. "I've come to make you forget everything that's happened tonight Louis." she said placing her lips on my neck. I jumped back. "Cher! No. I can't! Not now." I said feeling guilty as ever. "Come on babe, the feeling when you give into me takes over the rest. Lou...let go." She said putting her arms around my waist. Let go. It sounded in my head over and over as I felt my muscles relax as she wrapped her body around mine. "Is THAT....Cher?" Harry said loudly and suspiciously on the other end. "Hi Harold!" Cher giggled softly as she put her mouth to the speaker. What was wrong with her? How could she be doing this? She took the phone out of my hand gently and placed it on loudspeaker. "What the hell is going on?!" Harry said in question. "Harry, please. You can't sit on the phone throughout a date with your lady, I thought you knew better!" A familiar voice sounded on the other end of the line, coming closer to the speaker. Caroline. Mr Hypocrite. "Harry. I have to go...and so do you!" I said warning him before hanging up. That girl was trouble and so was this one right in front of me. I got up from my bed and stood by my door. "Cher, you need to leave." I said sternly. "But Lou...we have something." She said, and her eyes softened with sadness. I looked around, unable to deny it. "..This...this is wrong, you need...to...leave." I couldn't make eye contact with her any longer. She got off the bed and walked slowly passed me. Her eyes looked deep into mine. "It's so wrong...that it's right." She said slowly before walking out, leaving me standing there even more confused than I've ever been.

I needed to clear my head; Cher's last words to me before walking out, rung through my ears and spelled themselves out in my mind. I took my wallet out and got the picture out that had been 'kindly' left on my bed when 'A' broke into my apartment a few weeks ago. I stared at the still image of my lips on Cher's. I started thinking about my undeniable feelings for her, which then turned into wonders of what would happen if the media got hold of this, and then finally ended up with the thought of Eleanor getting hold of it. I crumpled the photograph and threw it towards my dresser; hitting my doll down. I had the doll figures made of all five of us lads sitting on my dresser still in their original packaging, mine on the floor flat on his plastic face now. I bent down to go pick him up before I felt vibration in my hand. My phone.

**Plastic face is mirroring your two-faced destiny - on the floor. -A.**

I frowned. "Two-faced?" I whispered to myself in curiosity.

**One face for each girlfriend. Player. -A**

"Yeah, and you have ears that hear from miles away. What are you? Creature!" I muttered and my blood boiled as I threw my phone on the bed. I walked into my ensuit and I got in the shower making sure the water was just luke warm - just how I like it. My mind was playing tricks on me, and I just needed to sleep. Whatever was going on with my thoughts and actions was just ridiculous and I needed to stop Harry before he made the rash mistake I had been making. I got out the shower with a plan of action. Stopping Caroline from becoming Harry's weakness again. Putting my shirt on, I heard my door open and close. If that was Cher, I couldn't be nice about it anymore. She needed to leave me alone for a while. Liam's dirty laundry with Danielle had already been hung out for the world to see, I couldn't have the media see Harry with Caroline now, or me with Cher. I heard keys being put down on the hall table and a voice giggle. "Oh Lou! This is so cute!" Eleanor. Rose petals. Me. Oh goodness. She ran through the hallway following the rose petal path and into my bedroom, jumping into my arms and kissing me. "After everything you've been through, and you're still doing romantic gestures for me!" She looked into my eyes. "Best boyfriend in the world!" I swallowed hard at those words. More like worst! I put her down and smiled at her. "I think...umm...I need to go save Harry." "From what? Is he alright?" She said, the smile disappearing from her face. "From Flack and her charm." I said grabbing my keys. "Aw, poor curly and his weakness for those older women. Especially Caroline! How long will you be gone for?" She said sitting herself down in the sea of petals on my bed. "Umm..not long." "Hurry back!" She said with a small smile. "I'll try." I said with a small smile as well. "I'll fix little Louis while you're gone. He fell!" She said picking up the box with my doll. I did fall alright. Hard. I got in the car then, completely forgetting that the photograph that could ruin my life, was sitting crumpled right beside the doll; an invitation for Eleanor to have her heart broken. Broken by me.

Two Can Keep a Secret if One of Them is  - Season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora