Chapter 31

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What do I say...!?

"I- um...." My eyes dart around for an excuse.

Just your heart speak for you.

I take a deep breath and face him.

"Cassim, I...I'm really grateful that you feel that way, but I-, I can't bring myself to think of you that way. I think of you as like a close companion, a person who I can rely on to have my back in battle. I-, I'm really sorry." I say with a lowered head, I peek up at Cassim who looks at me with a small smile, he huffs.

"It's alright, I'll be that guy. That guy that has got your back, that guy that you can rely on. But if you do feel something else between us, I'm always here for you." He says as he looks over to the edge of the boat, where Alibaba and Aladdin get off the dolphins. I give Cassim a smile.

"Thank you for understanding." I say to Cassim.

"No sweat." He answers. I walk over to Alibaba and Aladdin.

"Did you like it?" I ask Aladdin.

"Yeah I did! You should try it sometime with us, (Y/n)!" Aladdin replies.

"Maybe another time." I say to him as I pick up his towel and drying his hair.

"Ahhhh! What a swim!" Alibaba says out loud beside Aladdin.

"Oh? I'm glad!" Pisti giggles as she walks over.

"Yeah! Thanks um....." Aladdin pauses before looking Pisti up and down.

"Li'l P?" He finally says questioningly.

"How about 'Miss'? That's what you call Yam!" Pisti recalls.

"Miss?" Aladdin trails off.

"Yeah! I'm even older than Alibaba!" She says confidently pointing at Alibaba.

"HUH?!" Alibaba, Aladdin and I blurt out.

"Hey! That's rude! Surprised..? I'm small but I'm a senior to you! I've got more experience!" Pisti grins as she nudges Alibaba, who flushes. Aladdin walks up to Pisti, he quickly swipes her chest up and down before frowing.

"You're a....girl?" He says questioningly.

"YOU'RE MEAN! ALADDIN!" Pisti cries as she hugs her chest. Morgiana comes over, Pisti grabs her and pulls her down.

"Aww....why do guys like chesty girls so much?" Pisti sobs.

"Uh? They do?" Morgiana says.

"Yeah! Out to here! Like (Y/n)'s!"Pisti yells.

"Excuse me?!" I whip my head around to see Pisti's hands making out round big curvy circles. I immediately flush red as I cross my arms, covering my chest.

"Don't worry (Y/n)! I like your chest!" Aladdin says as he tugs my elbow from behind.

"Aladdin!" I scold him.

Why am I getting picked on? For this topic especially. I mean...

I look down.


As I have my mini heart attack a voice calls out to us.

"Lunch is ready!"Ruki yells. The smell waffers around my nose.

"I'm coming!" I yell as I follow the scent to the table.

Maybe eating too much is the problem...oh well.

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