Chapter 15

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"He's right, I'm not strong enough! Masrur!" Sinbad yells and Masrur jumps from beside him, bolting at Judar, he sends a strong kick, only to be stopped by Judar's borg.

Masrur grunts and jumps back next to Sinbad.

"It's no use. We can't use household vessels now."Masrur states.

"Let's get started little magi!" Judar smirk as he twirls his wand before pointing it Aladdin.

"First, a magoi shoot out!" Judar declares as rukh gather at the tip of his wand, forming a large white sphere.

"This isn't good! Everyone take cover!" I yell as I grab Alibaba and Morgiana's arms. Ruki, grabs my arm from behind me, in attempt to drag me away before Judar starts. Everyone fumbles around and Judar releases the magoi in shots, making blasts, everyone yells as they try to get to safety.

"Haha! I'm shooting you full of holes!" Judar laughs as he aims towards Aladdin. The rukh flock around Aladdin and protect him, Aladdin fires his magoi towardd Judar, they dissappear as they near him.

"What the...oh right. Hey runt! Enough of that! Theres no point in  magoi shoot out, magi's have the protection of rukh so it seems that their magoi cancels out." Judar explains as he raises his wand.

"So instead...Let's battle it out with magic!"Judar points his wand at Aladdin with a small smile.

"Magic?" Alibaba mutters questionably.

"Isn't that what they've been doing the whole time?" Someone yells.

"Tch! Ah! You just don't get it! I hate amateurs! Right, Sinbad?" Judar narrows his eyes at Sinbad with a sinister smile, who only replies with a grunt.

"Haha right. Let me show you, amateurs! Magoi is pure power created by rukh, simply shooting magoi doesn't do much, it just sorta breaks things. But if you give the rukh a command, a specific order..." Judar looks at his wand as the magoi starts to fizz in purple thunder.

"You can do this! Thunder Magic!" Judar presents his purple lightning.

"Lightning Magic?" Aladdin questions.

"Aladdin! Do you know any magic?!" Sinbad asks.

"Nope." Aladdin answers.

"I thought so." Sinbad sighs.

"Rukh use the magoi they create to give rise to the natural phenomenon of this world. In other words, it is their magoi, it generates storms, fire and thunder. And right now, Judar is using rukh magoi to create thunder!" Sinbad explains.

"Enough talk! Take this!" Judar fires the lightning ball at Aladdin.

No! Judar, how could you!?

Aladdin tries to defend himself with his borg, the lightning penetrates it and it crashes into Aladdin, creating smoke everywhere.

"Well, that sure was easy."Judar leers, his eyes widen once the smoke clears to reveal a blue giant wirh no head.

Ugo! Thank god!

"Hey pipsqueak, that's pretty interesting. A giant djinn, only magi can male those appear. Okay fine, I accept that you're a magi. But, magic isn't like that."Judar smirks as the air around us shifts towards his wand.

Of course, he's going to use ice magic.

"Balbadd is a city of fog. Rukh can gather unlimited amounts of water from the air!" Judar smirks as a large amount of water gathers above him.

"And then, of I give an order..." The water had turned to a large shard of ice.

"My specialty is ice magic!"Judar yells, he was floating now, shocked expressions fill the room as Judar laughs.

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