Chapter 23

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It took me one hell of a time to think of an non awkward conversation for this chapter TvT


Oh that just reminds me! Kouen will probably execute the leader of the 'rebellion' so you'll need to get on the boat too." I say as I turn to Cassim.

"No way. I'm staying here." Cassim hisses, pointing to the ground.

"Hmmm..." I stare at his change of personality. In a swift move Sinbad knocks him out too, I catch him in my arms and hand him over to one of the guards to carry him to the ship like Alibaba.

"Let's head back inside the palace." Sinbad suggests.

"No, we wait here. We'll wait here, for Kouen." I say as I turn to the sea, the armada of ships sailing towards the docks.

They drop their anchors at the docks and the troops pile out, making way for their prince in front of us.

Well, there he is...and Ruki...

I spot the familiar long black hair and purple steel eyes staring right into mine. Waves of guilt washing over me, I take a deep breath before approaching Kouen, who was walking down on the steps.

I'm glad Alibaba and Cassim left early...

"Ah! (Y/n), seems like I wouldn't have to send out a search party after all, your vassal was really worried." Kouen explains as Ruki steps infront of me.

"Milady, forgive my tardiness to come to your side." Ruki says as he gives a deep bow.

"No, no. It's fine, Ruki." I say as I wave my hands around.

"Kouen, as you can see I'm in fine condition." I start, I motion towards Sinbad.

"This is King Sinbad of Sindria, he had come for diplomatic reasons with the King of Balbadd." I explain, Sinbad comes forwards and gives a slight nod.

"It's an honour to be in the presence of the 1st Imperial Prince of the renowned Kou Empire, as Lady (Y/n) has said, I'm Sinbad, the King of Sindria. I've come to negotiate with the King of Balbadd, but much things has happened, allow me to fill you in." Sinbad gives a reassuring smile as Kouen snickered at the word 'lady' in front of my name.

Excuuuuuse you!

"Of course. I'm Kouen Ren of the Kou Empire, please carry on." Sinbad explains how the Fog Troop has played out and about the coup d'état against Ahbmad.

" I see, so the members of the rebellion has been captured? What of the royal family?" Kouen asks as I shrink beside Sinbad under his pressuring gaze.

"The members of the Fog Troop has been restrained, as for their leader, he had escaped and fled. The royal family is no more, they've been sent to The out skirts to live as foreigners." Sinbad explains, Ashe lies here and there.

"Is that so?" Kouen looks up at me.

"That certainly doesn't change our plan, you'll have to consult my father about your diplomatic plans with Balbadd." Kouen says as his gaze goes back to Sinbad.

"I most certainly will, I had promised Princess Kougyoku I would pay a visit." Sinbad holds his tongue back from arguing with Kouen.

"I see. For the time being, we'll have to go with our plan. We never intended for Balbadd to become a blood shed country but we merely wanted it to join us. With your meeting to the Emperor, I'm sure he'll be pleased."Kouen finishes, he turns to me.

"Come (Y/n), the empire awaits your arrival." Kouen says as he motions for a ready to sail ship.


I'd rather have my freedom thanks.

"Hmmm?" Kouen looks at me conceringly, he walks towards me and leans towards my ear.

"You'll be pampered like the princess you are. You can have anything you want."

I feel heat rush to my cheeks as he slides his hand into mine.

Isjsnksbfjfkd WHAT DO I DO!?

"So what do you want?" Kouen leans down to my height.

Can I really have it..?

"I can have anything?" I ask seriously.

"Anything..." he whispers back.

I want to say it...

"I want..." I tremble as I ask the long waited question at the pit of my stomach.

"What is it?"


"Freedom?" Kouen looks taken aback at I tell him what I want the most.

"Yes, freedom."

"Isn't What you have enough? Gold and riches, men from your choosing, power beyond anything, and you want freedom?" Kouen asks as he takes my other hand.

"I want that, more than anything in the world. I want freedom, to travel, go on adventures, listen to my friends say they want me to come with them on their journeys, that's the freedom I want, will you give me my freedom?"

I look up into his eyes.

"Your a selfish girl, wanting something like that. But it's so simplistic. Well, never less, we'll discuss it later." Kouen let's go of my hand and scoops me up into his arms, making his way to the ship.

"Until we meet again, King of Sindria!" Kouen yells as the troops follow us behind.

Can I truly attain freedom?

"You'll give me freedom right?" I ask him.

No reply.

I want to grow wings and fly... to freedom...because I've been wandering for a long time...

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