Chapter 27

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I follow Ja'far as I unwilling bid a small farewell to Sinbad.

Ja'far leads me to an patio outside in one of the courts, on the side there were racks of weapons of all kinds.

There's even staves for magic training!

"Let's start your first day of training."Ja'far smiles.

"I'll teach you hand to hand combat, make sure to study my movements when I attack, alright?" I nod my head.

"First we'll have a mock battle."Ja'far says as he walks over to the racks, he pulls out a pair of wooden swords, and throws one to me, I catch it and hold it in my hand.

"Alright."I say as I study the sword.

"The better experience you have holding different weapons, the better the ability to get out of sticky situations. But, you have to strike before the enemy strikes first, by doing this, you need to think one step ahead, or I would like to say, a final resort. Your final resort needs at least a chance of 15% success at your level of ability. But, to end the battle quicker without using your last resort, you use hand to hand combat. Also, put all your good points into mind to utilize them. So the point of this challenge is to defeat me, while trying not to draw your blade, but the moment you draw your blade, the battle will finish or when I have you in a dead lock. To makes things harder, I'll be holding a weapon."Ja'far explains.

I see, think before your enemies and have a plan in motion, don't pull out your triumph card unless absolutely necessary.

"Alright, I got it." I say as I tuck the wooden weapon into my sash, I stand in a fighting position.

Utilize all my good body is light, so agility is my more powerful weapon.

"On the count of 3,



3!" Ja'far lunges at me while swinging his sword, I jump up and flip backwards, as I almost land, I try to send a kick behind him to increase our distance from each other. He catches my foot and swings his hand with my foot, causing me to swing towards the tree. Before I hit the tree, I plant my hands on the ground causing me to slow down and slide before I hit the tree.

Ja'far lunges at me again, I jump again.

Utilize agility! This is harder than it looks, and no weapon?! How am I suppose to kill with no weapon?!

I jump up into the tree, I look down and see Ja'far smirk as he runs up the tree.

What the hell!?

Deciding on what to do, I jump down, he notices and jumps down before I reach the ground, he pulls out his sword and holds it in front of him.

If I fall, I'll be stabbed!

The solution flowed into me as I curled my legs towards me to increase my weight, I past Ja'far and hold my hands out, I'm doing a handstand as Ja'far's back hits my legs, I fling him across into the opposite direction of me as I land in a bridge and stand back up.

"Not bad. But." He smirks as he pulls out another sword.

He's using two?!

"Sir Ja'far!" A solider calls. We turn to the solider thats running straight towards him, he pants as he reaches Ja'far.

"A southern sea creature has appeared near the east Orchards! King Sinbad has called for the Eight Generals." He explains.

"I see, (Y/n), we can stop here for today, lets go see the what's happening." Ja'far says, I put down the wooden sword I was carrying and follow Ja'far and the solider to where the creature was.

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