She let me drag her and I can feel that my parents are following us. Why they couldn't act like normal parents? Like, the typical parents. They're acting like weird teenagers. I can't see myself being like this when the time comes that I'm already old.

"Grandma, Grandpa Good evening" I bow my head when we reach the area, they're waiting for us.

"Goodevening Ma'am and Sir" Joy greeted. I think she felt the different atmosphere between my parents and grandparents because she smile uncomfortably.

"Take your seat Joy!" My Mom cheerfully said and make her sit beside her while my Dad pull his chair in front of my Mom.

"How about me?" I asked, they didn't mind me and just focus giving foods to My Girl.

I just sit in front of my Grandparents that I should be sitting beside Joy but look at my parents, seems like she is their real child and I'm just a useless stupid visitor of hers.

My Grandparents didn't speak and just continue eating. I haven't had a chance to introduce Joy to them earlier  as my parents mobbed us in the main door. However, they already know that I'm asking Joy out everyday.

"So where did the two of you met?" My Mom asked as she put the meat inside her mouth.

Joy glance on me and stop from cutting her meat "Actually we were in the same University so I have a lot of ideas about her but she didn't know that well since I wasn't existing in their life during that time" She stated.

"I know her but she's a typical college student who had a responsibility to maintain her grades for scholarship" I interrupt.

My Dad went amaze and clap his hands "Wow. So you are a scholar? I didn't know that, Wendy told us some stories about going out with a girl and I can feel that you are really a good person. I'm really proud to those people who are a ball of fire" He bob his head while looking at Joy.

"Then you should be proud of me. I am a hard worker too" I disagree.

"You were a nuisance when you were in college" My Mom corrected me which made me sit back and shut my mouth "So what about your parents? Wendy should bring them here as well"

"Uuhh.. " She grasp on her knife "My parents are farmers, No scratch it.. We are all farmers. We milked cows ans harvest some fruits and anything that were planted"

"Really? You're too pretty to be a farmer. Wendy is perfectly fit on that job" Dad joked.

"Your parents are just a farmer?" My Grandfather interrupted.

We all went shut because of the sudden question. There's the most stressful moment of my life. That's why I never brought someone in my house other than my friends is because of my Grandparents, they're the overruler of the family which I totally disagree.

"They're not just a farmer" I scoff and put the fork down "They're hard worker who provides everyone's needs" I exclaim.

My grandmother look at me and wipe her mouth by the napkin "You're a pretty lady.. What's your work?

Joy clear her throat and purse her lips before she speak "I am currently working in Manoban's company as q secretary of Mrs. Jennie Manoban" She answered.

"Oh.. I heard that you were classmates before? It's business course, right? You should have to build on your own right? I mean, your degree is just useless if you won't use it properly"

"Y-Yeah.. I'm thinking about it for the future" Joy said, there's an awkwardness with her voice. Gosh I hate this.

My Dad sip on his wine and cough "It's good that you are ambitious. I love that!" He titter, My Mom ask for a high five to him which he quickly give in.

UIRYS Book II: Manoban ThingWhere stories live. Discover now