facetime part 18

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Grayson's pov:

I arrived at the cafe and greeted violet with a small hug before taking my seat in front of her, I was quiet I didn't quite know what she wanted. I knew she said she wanted to talk, but about what?

"I ordered your favorite, on me" violet started, I gave her a smile.

"thank you, so uh what did you want to discuss" I asked so the silence would be broken and we'd both be comfortable.

Violets pov:

"Grayson I love you-" before I could even finish my sentence Grayson cut me off,.

"violet listen, I like you I really do but I love y/n. You can't keep holding onto me like this-"

I rolled my eyes, "let me finish"

Grayson just shut up and nodded, "I want to know how much you love her, you're right I cannot hold onto you. I need closure"

Grayson gently grabbed my hands and rubbed the backs of them with his thumbs, "I love her so much violet, I wanna marry her. I want my children to call her mommy. I want to be with her until I take my last breathe violet" he said pouring his whole heart out in front of me and it felt good to know he was happy, I really got the closure I needed.

When it was all over I looked up from my coffee cup, "I have a favor to ask you"

"what is it?" Grayson asked looking up from his coffee cup as well.

"Convince y/n to meet up with me, I need to know she loves you the same. I cannot allow myself to embrace this closure until I know shes going to love you until shes 6 feet under" I didn't ask much of him, all I really wanted was closure.

Reassurance he was going to be fine when I let go.

I smiled when he nodded, "it may not be easy but I will do my best, take care violet" he said standing up and grabbing his coat before kissing the top of my head and leaving the cafe.

He was still so sweet and caring after the hell I put him through and still respects me, he's got good morals and great value.

I hope y/n sees that.

Y/n's pov:

It was getting so boring without Grayson there to keep me company, but I was able to complete all my house chores that so desperately needed to be done. I was about to sit down on the couch with the fresh bowl of popcorn I had just made, and Grayson walks through the door causing me to jump and spill the buttery popcorn all over the white carpet.

"Grayson!" I groaned as he walked to me kissing my lips, he had something on his mind.

Obviously considering he didn't acknowledge the big popcorn mess as he kissed me and pulled me closer to his body.

I pulled away with a smile, "someone's happy" I began to walk away to find cleaning supplies to clean up the messy rug and Grayson grabbed my arm.

 "I got it, you sit" he picked me up and sat me on the couch. I gave him a confused look, I didn't really quite understand what was happening. "relax and just listen" he told me as he walked to get the cleaning supplies and started talking up a storm "so you know how I went to the cafe with violet right? Well she wants me to talk you into meeting up with her. She's changed y/n. I promise she has and I know she's not your favorite at the moment because of the bullshit-"

I interrupted him, "I'll go" he let out a sigh.

"that's exactly what I thought you were going to say, but baby she just wants closure that is all I know you don't like her but can you pleas-" I rolled my eyes as he kept rambling before I interrupted again.

"grayson I said I'd go!" I giggled a bit. It took him a moment to process before picking me up and showering me with kisses as he repeatedly thanked me.

"okay okay okay" I giggled and scrunched my face up.

He placed me back down, "now go get up this mess you made me make" I pointed to the cleaning supplies he failed to get.

"yes ma'am" he chuckled and pecked my cheek.

I believed Grayson, it was true I hated violets guts at the moment, but if Grayson said she's changed all I can do is believe him until I see it with my own eyes. Grayson has good judgement and He says that violet wants closure I'm willing to give her that if she's willing to accept that I love Grayson.

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