facetime part 13

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Grayson's pov:

The doctor entered the room and I sucked in my breath unable to breathe.

It felt like 100 pounds was put onto my chest.

"How is everyone" the doctor asked and took a seat in the chair keying things into the computer, like every doctor they had to check into the patients room, Violet and I stayed silent. We both had nothing to say, even if we did nothing would have escaped our mouths, all you could hear was the sound of the computer keys.

I don't think we know how to feel.

"I see, you two just want the news" the doctor sighed, she knew we were too young and I feel like she was judging us a little.

"Yes ma'am" I sighed out of frustration and stress at this point.

The doctor nodded, "miss you are not pregnant" she told the two of us, and I immediately felt the pressure of all of this stress fly off my body.

I was able to breathe.

Violet smiled and hugged me tight, I returned the hug and began to cry into her shoulder. "Fuck" I mumbled wiping my tears, violet sniffled and thanked the doctor for her time and the news before she exited the room.

Holy fuck.

"Should I feel excited?" I asked violet, I didn't know if what I was feeling was okay.

She nodded, "we both weren't ready Grayson, this is good news! now take me home and get back to that girl of yours" she said all happy.

It honestly took me by surprise, I thought she wanted me back and that she was going to use a child to force her way with me and now she's just... turned over a whole new leaf all of the sudden?

I smiled "will do" I helped her grab her things and we left the hospital hand in hand.

"Grayson, I'm sorry" she said as we made our way to the car.

"for what?" I asked her and she smiled at me as I opened the passenger door for her.

"for everything. Your happy with y/n and I'll just have to except that"

Thank you violet.

Authors note: follow me for polls to interact with what I write a bit

@sweetedols on Instagram 💓

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