complicated pt.15

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Y/n's pov:

"you two are having a girl!" The doctor said with a huge smile.

"holy shit!" Grayson yelled and hugged me.

I hugged back "language baby language" I said through my happy tears.

He kissed my head and slightly rocked me side to side "we are having a little girl." He said then started crying right after I had stopped crying.

I wiped his tears with my thumbs "noooo I just stopped crying" I laugh then I also start crying


He kissed me and our tears matted together. "You two can go home whenever you are ready" the doctor smiled and walked out of the room to give us our moment. WE had already adressed prenatal care before the ultrasound.

"Let's go home alright?" Gray said wiping my tears and giving me yet again another kiss. I nodded and let him help me off the doctors bed.

I couldn't believe I was carrying Graysons little girl in my belly. 

we're having a baby girl.

Grayson's pov:

She fell asleep in the car with her head in my lap so when we got home I gently carried her inside and laid her down on the couch, I laid a blanket across her body and sat down putting her feet in my lap and I rubbed her legs.

She's so beautiful and is gonna be such a great mother, she never complains about being pregnant when I know she hated the weight gain, cravings, back pain, ankle pain, ankle swelling, the sickness, how certain foods made her vomit, etc etc.

she's amazing no doubt about it.

I notice her squirm around to I picked her up to where she was on my chest and rubbed her head, she put her arms around me and then stopped moving. I could tell she was comfortable. I smile and kissed her head eventually she woke up and laid on her back laying back on me while I rubbed her belly and we watched tv together.

It was a quiet, peaceful night after we found out the big news about the gender of our baby. Nothing really eventful just me loving on my girl while she laid back on me while we dreamed of having this baby together.

Authors note: surprise surprise emily wrote another short chapter, I had no ideas back then lmao

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