complicated pt.5

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Y/n's pov:

Day three of Grayson pretending like me and him didn't have hours of sex. It's draining all my energy worrying about it and tripping over it.

It was a mistake and wrong on so many levels, but I want him.

this was exactly what my father was worried about.

He isn't as much as an asshole anymore like the first two days. He's just back to being my boss.

Nothing more.

Grayson's pov:

Today's big, my brother who is the owner of another huge company in LA is coming to work with my company on a project. This project will either make or break both of our careers.

Y/n is gonna be by my side through the whole thing, I'm glad it's not awkward anymore because I miss having the old y/n.

The one I met.

Right now me and y/n are picking up my brother from the airport, I get a text saying his plane just landed so I tell y/n to help me look.

She looks around with me and finally her eyes landed on my brother, ethan dolan.

"Umm gray he's right there" she said tapping me softly.

I smile when I see him "what up man" I say hugging him "how was Tokyo?"

It was hard to remain professional around my twin brother but we were amazing business partners who ran two separate multimillion dollar companies.

Ethan smiled "Tokyo was great and dude how have you been?"

I pull away from the hug "great, ethan this is-" I notice him staring a her up and down "my girlfriend y/n"

Y/n's pov:

oh now he wants to introduce me as something to him after being a complete dick for two days. what is he doing?

we're nothing. I just work for him and I'm apparently playing his lover now.

I look at Grayson with a confused expression, he grabbed my hand and smiled kissing my cheek and whispering "go with it or I'll take you to the bedroom when we get home and you'll regret it."

His statement gave me chills, so I decided to play along as he demanded.

I don't remember seeing this on my
work requirements

"Babe stop it, your brothers here" I fakesmile at his kisses and Grayson pulls away.

"cmon let's go I'm sure ethan's jet lagged" he said and held my hand leaving the airport.

There were pictures being taken of us, I guess because Grayson and his brother were such a huge figures in Los Angeles' economy.

They took photos of us holding hands labeling me as Graysons 'mystery lady'

That's all people want in this day of time, something to talk about.

When we got back ethan crashed in my room. Since ethan was so sleepy he didn't recognize it was my room, and Grayson told me to move my things to his room.

I did as told and got unpacked in his room since ethan was staying for a while.

I hope he knows I'm not sleeping with him. He wants professionalism thats what he is going to get.

Me and Grayson went around the house and made it look like we were actually together.

He even put pictures of me on his wall. I was a little freaked out by this all of the sudden game where I play his girlfriend and there is this big ol' plan to keep his own twin brother from finding out I'm his assistant?

I didn't question it though, I was too tired too there was also a little part of me that was just happy me and Grayson were sort of forgetting what happened between us.

sort of

Grayson's pov:

There is no way in hell my brother is finding out she's my assistant and not my girl. I saw the way he was looking at her and I won't allow her to be with anyone else.


I only want her to be with me, but we can't so I cannot allow her availability to anyone. Not even my twin brother. I know he'd treat her well, but I don't want her to be the one to treat her well.

It should be me. This whole thing is about to get real complicated.

Authors note: I'm human I'm not perfect at spelling and I'm not perfect in general so please ignore errors.

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