battle agents the midnight sun and the strange golden leader

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Hay everyone how are you all doing and this is the fight that you wanted to see and now let me ask my question of the day who in the third eyes is your favourite for me it would have to be rhya because his copy magic seems like it would be a lot of fun to use and I like how he looks and personality. Now let's get on with the story and sorry if the previous one was bad.


I was now looking at the fat bastard who has taken some of these kids future away from them but I could hear gauche using some kind of Lazer magic so I look over to where he is to see he is using his mirror to destroy snowmen with little effort.

Gauche:"is this all you got? Then die, you pussy ass bitch!"

The snow guy looked utterly terrified of gauche

Snow guy:"n-no!! Stay away from me!!"

Then a bunch of snow then came out of nowhere and traped gauche and his mirror in a snow coral reef figure which seemed to give the snow guy a happy feeling.

Snow guy:"got him! And I got your mirror too!"

But he was brought out of his happiness by a Lazer hitting his back coming from a gauche with another mirror.

Snow guy:"what...? Why was there... Another one?"

Gauche:"real double!"

Y/n:'must be part of his magic after all that dose seem quite understandable since mirrors reflect light and whatever they see.'

Then he used the free gauche to blast the gauche who was in the snow coral reef and the snow guy was left to pass out on the cold ground.

Fat guy:"what the hell? he lost... That worthless punk"

I was now get up with this bastard do I griped him up the neck and started flying in the sky so he was off of the ground choking.

Y/n Luce:"why did you do this to these kids!?"

All he was doing was struggling to get out of my grip with his hands which were not strong enough.

Y/n Luce:"do you even realize what you're actions have done to these kids lives!? Or do you know how hard it is to live without a drop mana? So why did you do this?"

Fat guy:"kiss my ass. Do you think I care if these kids have no mana and besides what would you know about living with no mana? You are practically overflowing with mana"

I tightened my grip around his neck as his fat flesh started to sink my fingers in and with my free hand i dug four of my fingers into the top of his stomach and dragged them downwards making your large gashes in his body while he bleeds out.

Y/n:"now I'll ask you again why did you do it!?"

Fat guy:"f-f-for m-m-m-mone-y"

I threw him to the ground with all of my strength causing a small crater to be made when he landed. I flew down Infront of him and then started dragging his body over to the machine that took away the kids mana to see how he likes it.

Theresa:"don't do it y/n!!"

I droped the guy on the ground as I saw his try to cover his wounds with his meaty hands while I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw that it was asta's.

Asta:"he isn't worth the effort y/n but don't worry brother he is going to spend the rest of his life miserable life making it up for his actions"

Y/n:"then he will die never completing it."

Then I heard the old nun start to walk over to us.

Theresa:"you're right Asta, he isn't worth the effort not now or ever. That aside can you do something about these kids?"

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