a mission to be envious off

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All rights guys how you doing so I  enjoy doing this and it's all thanks to you anyway my question for the day is who is your least favourite character in black clover mine is langris because he gets away with doing a lot of illegal stuff. And yes I know his past and it kind of helps understand why he is the way he is but now to the story


I was wake up fromy nice sleep and give my eyes time to adjust to the surroundings and stretch and walk out my room to the mess hall for something to eat. When I got there I was met with the pink hair (I know she was on her balcony at the time but I'm changing it) so I walk up and put some food and sit on Infront of her. She looks at me for a bit then talks.

Pink hair:"hay that magic you used yesterday what kind do you use?"

Y/n:"it's called monster magic. By the way I don't think I got your name by the way?"

She looks At me then releasing that she never introduced herself and giggled a bit.

Pink hair:"sorry my name is Vanessa and I'm glad to meet you"

Y/n:"hay no offense but are you a witch I mean you remind me of the once I've seen and heard off?"

Vanessa then looks very grim for a minute then goes back to her normal and happy-go-luck self then answers.

Vanessa:"yes but I'm a member of the black bulls now and may I ask how did you beat yami?"

Y/n:"well he was hard to beat and I did summon all 7 if my unforgivable sins to beat him then when things calmed down yami and I started taking and we became friends"

We continued to eat and talk but we're interrupted by a loud noise and we Both got up and went to the Front of the base only to see a massive ball of destructive water.

Yami:"her magic is out of control."

Vanessa:"oh wow"

Magna:"dame that's a lot of magic power! If we leave it alone this could get ugly."

Y/n:"so from the looks of the situation we have two options. Option one we use magic attacks to suppress her but that may kill her. Or opinion two we cancel her magic"

Then Asta comes flying Infront of us and yami catches his and tells him he was thinking of him. As I was watching I started to understand what yami was going to do and he did.

Yami:"now is the time to surpass your own limits!!!"

Then he throws him like a ball towards the big water ball and slashed it nullifying it. Then whey start to fall and then Asta realises he can't fly. Then finral opened one of his portal's to give them a somewhat safe landing.

Asta:"I'm aliiiiiiive!!! Thank you space magic!"

Me and yami were just laughing at this then we decided to speak up.

Yami:"nicely done kid!"

Y/n:"yeah you are the hero today good job little brother"

I smirked at him and then he remembers that girl he saved and turned to her and was walking up to her then shouts at her supportively

Asta:"that some crazy magic power you have there!! I have zero magic power so I'm really jealous!! If you train to the point where you're able to control it you'll be unstoppable! By there's no way I'll lose out"

She then looks up at Asta like it was the first compliment she has ever had in her life.

Y/n thought:'aw she likes him wonder how there dynamic will work"

black clover x male reader (i am the monster)Where stories live. Discover now