a strange insurrection

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my black clover story which I hope you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now onto the question of the day and that is what do you think y/n, and Reisi, will be doing during the events of the chapter since I think all of you know what is about to go down. I'll say this that I have been planning to do this for a while so I hope you all enjoy this. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


I ran through the streets of the capital with Anna, as we ran all over the streets trying to lose the angry owner of the restraint we dinned and dashed from. I was carrying Anna, since we would be faster if I was carrying her on my back, after running down a few more streets I looked back and saw the person must have list us. I looked up at Anna.

Y/n:"so, how did you like the meal?"

Anna, nodded.

Anna:"it was good dad."

I smiled as I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and placed it into my mouth and before I could get a change to light it Anna, shot down a red clan fire ball lightning it for me.

Y/n:"thanks Anna."

Then the two of us started to walk away, well I walked through the streets, I had decided to get Anna, a meal here but I realised after we ate the food that I didn't have the money on me to pay for the meal so I did what any young man would do in my situation, ran for it. Now though I'm not sure what to do since we came here for a meal and I don't really know where we are in the street. As we walked around I knew at the very least that this was a more up scale place given that all the shops here seemed to be for more wealth people.

Anna:"could we get something dad?"

I looked up at Anna, and I took the cigarette out of my mouth letting the smoke come out of the sides of my mouth.

Y/n:"I think we will need to pass today Anna, we don't really have much on us right now."

Anna:"okay dad."

The two of us continued to walk on but our attention was quickly taken when there was a loud explosion coming from far away as well his higher up. I looked at where it came from and saw that part of the headquarters of the magic knights roof had just been destroyed with what looked to be light magic.

Y/n:"okay Anna, could you give me my magic knight cloak?"

Anna, then placed my cloak on top of my head and I had to put it properly on since she just put it on me like it was a hat. Soon from my back a grew a pair of black wings but before I could fly up into the air I fell to the ground in pain like someone was smashing my head in with a hammer.

Anna:"dad! Are you okay!?"

Anna, shook me as I clutched my head keeping my eyes closed as I began to get visions of my old home seeing all of the evil around me, as well as my older brother looking down at me with a sick smile on his face mocking me as he looked down at me from a elevated platform.

Wormwood:"your not that strong are you little brother, hell I feel embarrassed calling you my little brother, your more like a glorified door opener."

I then started to feel the pain die down through I don't know how long I was down for but when I opened my eyes again I saw that the sky itself seemed to be covered in light magic.

Omni:"y/n, you need to do something you cant let this spell go though, otherwise everyone here will die."

I nodded but as I looked at it I knew that I would need to use my dimension magic to block it but before I could get the chance from the light came swords of light coming down and it appeared it was one for each person. Through before even a single one of these swords of light could strike me, Anna, or anyone else, it stopped as if someone grabbed the swords but no one did.

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