visiting a town and a strange snow

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Hay everyone hope you all liked the last chapter and getting more in depth into y/n and reisi and hopefully this chapter will be to your liking and I've caught up with the manga so dose anyone have any good fan theory's. Anyway now it is time for the story so enjoy.


Me and Anna are flying past the capital walls me with my black angle wings and Anna's blood wings so that we can get to the black bull's base. As we were flying Anna was looking down at the land below is and i was too because I was so interesting to see what the land looks like from above. As we were flying I could hear my monsters voices speaking in my head.

Exvee:"so what do you think of that price y/n can he really be trusted?"

Y/n thought:'yes he was being honest about his background and I fell like I can trust him for some reason.'

Barbara:"careful who you trust y/n he could be planing to stab you in the back when you least expect it."

Y/n thought:'if and I do mean if that day comes I will deal with it and it will prove that you all were right but till then he is an ally'

Then I was brought out of my thoughts by Anna who was shouting my name probably been shouting it for a while.

Y/n:"Anna is there something wrong?"

Anna:"no it's just that you looked like you weren't paying attention and I wanted to know if we could go into that small town?"

I looked down to see that there was a small town below with children playing so I thought that this would be good for Anna to play with kids around her age.

Y/n:"sure Anna let's go down there and if you see anything you like just tell me ok"


We then started to glide down to the town and I'm hoping Anna makes a new friend. When we land I heard that there were some kids sounding like they were having fun and Anna seemed curious so she followed it with me following behind only to see Asta playing with kids.


Then he turned to me and gave a smile and waved at me and Anna waved back and went to where there were other children were and then I noticed that there was a woman with the kids who looked like them maybe a relative so I went over to her.

Y/n:"hay are you these kids sister?"

???:"yes I am is that little girl that came with you your sister?"

Y/n:"no she is actually my daughter"

This seemed to shock her because I'm probably not that much older than her.

???:"are you not a bit too young to be having children. I mean you just look too young!?"

Y/n:"it's ok Infant you are correct we are not related biologically I merely adopted her when I found her. Oh sorry for being rude my name is y/n l/n what's your name"

???:"my name is Rebecca scarlet so do you and Asta know eachother or is it you two are in the same squad?"

I was about to answer till we both heard a sound coming from the kids direction so we turn to see that Asta is on the floor getting his face stepped on by gauche.


Then as if this situation could not get any worse for Asta, Asta decided to open his big mouth and piss gaushe off.

Asta:"oh, you're the nose bleeding sister lover!"

Gauche:"who the hell are you calling that, you little ball of muscles!? I'll crush you now"

black clover x male reader (i am the monster)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat