new blood.

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Hello boys and girls I hope that you are all having a good day today like I am but right now I suppose it would be more accurate to say I am having a good night. Now I hope that you are all ready for this chapter of my black clover story which I am getting more exited about writing since we are getting closer to a great event I have been planning for two years. Now for my question of the day and that is how do you think y/n and Reisi, will do up against the elf Anna? Will they strike her or will they be defensive.  Now with all of this said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


I got up off of the ground and looked at Anna, who was possessed by the spirit of an elf according to Anna, well Arjay, as she is calling herself. The mana that was around was also boosted with both sides of her body having both the red clan aura on one side and the blue clan aura on the other side. But unlike her usual stable clan aura where it moved when she comanded it to Arjay, was like mine and Reisi, in appearance, like fire.

Y/n, exvee:"your quite the coward aren't you Arjay?"

She looked at me.

Arjay:"that's rich coming from a lowly human, your race is not strong enough to face us elf's head on."

Y/n, Exvee:"don't know why you are talking about but I am not lowly human, I am not even a normal human."

Arjay:"then what do you think you are then?"

I smiled at her as I pointed my finger at her.

Y/n, Exvee:"I'm a real monster, just have to shed my human skin!"

I then jumped towards Arjay, but I was not able to bring myself to hit her since she may have taken over Anna body, but it was still Anna's. When I reached her I reached for her grimoire but Arjay, jumped back away from me, I looked at her as she landed on the ground outside, for the blue clan base the ground outside it was in shambles filled with many piece of broken building an the ground was all cracked. Reisi jumped onto the hole in the wall of his clan base.

Reisi:"so, how do we deal with Anna? I'm assuming that attacking her is not an option."

I nodded.

Y/n, Exvee:"yes, just try to take her grimoire, away from her then see if you can restrain her, but believe me that won't be easy."

Then she placed her hand over her open grimoire.

Arjay:"blood magic; blood controlled puppets."

I looked back inside the building seeing that the knocked out members of the blue clan we're starting to rise up from floor ground like zombies.

Y/n, Exvee:"and what about your clan, same deal?"

Reisi, looked back inside seeing both his human members and possessed elf members were now being controlled thanks to the blood magic like puppets. Unlike Anna, Arjay, can use the blood of people who are unconscious, wither or not they gave her permission while they were conscious.

Reisi:"yeah, I'll hold them off as best I can y/n, you try to get Anna, to free them."

Reisi, then jumped down back into his base.

Y/n, Exvee:"careful! She can still make them use there magic!"

I then jumped towards Arjay.

Y/n, Exvee:"armourment magic: miracle armour."

Then the golden armour appeared around me and I tried to grab her Grimoire, but she just used her blood to make some blood wings to fly up into the air. I jumped up in the air to follow her.

black clover x male reader (i am the monster)Where stories live. Discover now