y/n BIO

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Ok first your grimoir magic is called monster magic and here are some of the ability that come with it.

Fully turn into one of your monsters.
Increased speed.
High endurance.
Can turn parts of his body into monsters parts.
When turned fully or partly you don't use magic.
Magic becomes less effective to you the more it is used on you but per person.

Looks like the picture above

Height:same as yami

Likes: Asta, yuno, your magic, his dream, his village, sleep, food, rum (a little to much),

Dislike: nobility, people who think they are better than everyone else, his friend's getting hurt, nagging about how much he drinks,

Y/n dream is to be emperor of the world

Down sides to his magic

When fully in monster form can lose control and the monster can take control.
Become more hostile due to his monster ability's.
More you transform more energy and magic you use up.

Ok so a little history on our protagonist
Ok so you were born with God like amounts of magic power but you don't know who your parents are and you don't care the church became you're new home and family along with 2 baby's you found when you were 4 they both looked 1 at this time you were homeless at the time and you were going to see if a church would take you in so you took them with you since they were alone and had no one like you. When you got there along with the baby's in hand you were met with a priest who welcomed you in and became the big brother to the baby's named Asta and yuno.

Hope you like this anyway some of the monsters will be mb art work just to let you know I'm not the best attest just a heads-up

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