Jungkook Who?

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Get you some popcorn or some pretzels and put your feet up while you read, you deserve it!

She huffed as she hiked all her bags up on the kitchen table, taking a moment to look around at the beautiful lake house she had rented for the next two weeks, just for her alone.

She gave herself a little nod and smiled.

Not too bad, not too bad at all.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as she unpacked her things, she had saved up what money she could for the past ten years and this was the very first time she had been anywhere by herself.

Previously, her husband, or rather soon-to-be ex-husband, wouldn't let her out of his sight, always citing the typical narcissistic routine of women being targets and how he trusted her, just not anyone else.
Along with this and her high-functioning anxiety, it pretty much landed her in a decade of go to work and come home hell.

But that was the past, and she was now embarking on a new journey in hopes of a completely different life. She wouldn't stand in the shadows anymore, no more living behind the scenes, she was going to be the star of her life.....if she could just keep her anxiety at bay, that is.

Just the thought of things to come made her giddy again and she raced to her bedroom with her things and quickly changed into a simple t-shirt and shorts. Maybe she would explore the grounds tomorrow, but today she was going to relax, eat, and watch BTS videos to her heart's content.

She plopped down on the couch with her popcorn, Junior Mints, and soda and sighed a breath of relief before clicking play with her toe on her laptop that was sitting on the coffee table.

Later that evening she had popped her earbuds in and was removing the rest of her stuff from her trunk and jamming to one of her favorite songs, Euphoria, when she unknowingly started singing it out loud.

Now, there was no one around, she was out at a lake in a secluded area and hers and another house were the only around for miles, so as self-conscious as she was about her voice (she flat out hated it) she had no worries that anyone would hear it. Just like a falling tree in the woods.

She finished bringing in her things and was getting situated with another round of popcorn on the couch when her phone began vibrating across the table. She grabbed the phone and swiped to answer it, leaving a smudge of grease behind, to which she wrinkled her nose and held the phone away from her cheek.


There was no answer for a moment.


A voice on the other end snarled. "I thought for sure your bias would have swept you off your feet by now, that is why you up and decided to fly all the way to Korea, right?"

She rolled her eyes,"Is there something you need?"

"Nooooo. I just thought I'd let you know that I was generous enough to leave you enough money in your account to get back to the states."

"What? You're full of shit!"

"Whatever you say, honey. Maybe you can find a man there to take care of you like I did all these years!" He disconnected the line as he laughed.

"UGH!" She frantically checked her account, sincerely hoping that there was no way he could've taken her money; but as the screen popped up with her balance, tears clouded her eyes.

She shook her head as she wiped at her eyes. She had been financially attacked by him again, all the money she had worked for, all sixty-thousand and something, and all that was left was mere pennies.

She jumped off the couch and rummaged blindly through her purse until she found her vape, taking a long, hard drag off of it as she fell to the floor and beat her fists on the plush carpet.


"It's just not a good idea, Jungkook. What are you gonna say? I was spying on you and heard your beautiful voice sing my song and I've been watching you like a stalker ever since?"

Namjoon looked at him with his eyebrows raised and could only hope he'd understand how crazy his plan sounded.

Jungkook sat back down on the couch, defeated and pouting. "I know. I just wanted to help her." He hugged himself as a chill ran through his body. He hadn't meant to spy, he was taking the trash out when he had heard her singing and then gave himself the job of cleaning all the glass, after all, the rentals didn't have curtains and it was a great way to watch her. Spy on her. But seeing the poor girl fall to the floor like that, just utterly ruined and hopeless, it gripped him by the heart and twisted. Especially after hearing her beautiful voice.

The girl's evening was ruined, his evening was ruined, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it but lay depressingly on the couch as the others tried to ignore his over sensitivity to the matter.


The next afternoon Y/N woke up to gray clouds and drizzling rain, which threatened to keep her in the bed all day, that is, if there hadn't been a knock at her door. She sat up in bed and tilted her head with her eyebrows knitted. Who on earth would be knocking on her door?

She got out of bed and cautiously approached the door, her anxiety level rising at the thought of having to converse in Korean this early in the day, a little after 12:00.

Lucky for her, there was only a small red box with what appeared to be a handmade bow and a note attached. She stepped onto the porch and didn't find a single soul around. She looked back down at the box and with shaky hands picked it up and took it inside.

It could've been a bomb, it could've been a note telling her to leave with a dead animal inside, but fortunately for her, reality wasn't always worst-case scenario like she thought.

She gently removed the bow that someone had clearly spent a lot of time making and placed it carefully on the coffee table. She detached the note that had very few rain drops on it and unfolded it, gasping at the beautiful handwriting.

I hope you find comfort in this as I did, especially on a day like today. Stay warm and healthy.


Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when she saw the name and she made a loud "Pffft" noise before cackling. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to open the box, some  crazy person's cruel joke actually intrigued her.

She pulled out a thin, neatly folded fleece blanket, dark as the night. She shook it out to make sure there wasn't anything hiding inside it and when she was sure, she wrapped it around her.

It warmed her instantly and the aroma of lavender and vanilla made her sleepy. She sat there with a pleasant smile on her face and dreamily made her way back to her bed before snapping out of her thoughts.

Who gave her this blanket? Was it her ex playing a cruel joke? And if it was, why does it seem like an actual gift rather than a prank?

She grabbed her phone and called him.

"Crawling back so soon?" He groggily answered.

"Not a chance. Did you send me something? Did you get someone to drop something off here?"

"What? I don't know where you are, remember? You wouldn't tell me exactly where you were going! Why? Did you get-"

She ended the call uninterested in his response at this point. It wasn't him. But who then? How unlikely was it that there was a Jungkook within the vicinity of her that just happened to feel the need to give her, a complete stranger, a gift? Was someone in the other house watching her?

Oh how awesome it would be to be Y/N! Comment and vote if you feel the same, ya know, if you feel like it 😉 Thanks in advance!

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