Guilt and Coming Together

Start from the beginning

"I can be professional with you at the studio and tolerate being around you for Lucy and Sophia's sake but as far as you and I hanging out by ourselves don't hold your breath on it happening anytime soon" I say breathing hard as I kicked the wall by the door. "James I.." Logan goes to say as he tried grabbing my arm but I yanked it back. "Don't touch me, don't ever touch me... let's just go be with Sophia because your daughter needs you right now" I say coldly. Logan just stays silent as he walks past me into the room where we got worried looks from Kendrah and Lucy.

"Are you guys ok" Lucy asks concerned as I walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. "We're fine right Logan" I asked as I cocked my eyebrow at him as he pulled a stool up by Sophia. "Sure whatever" Logan says as he shrugs his shoulders and looks at his daughter. "Do you mind staying with Logan while I go have a word with James" Lucy asks Kendrah as she gets up from her stool. "Not at all go ahead" Kendrah says sweetly as she takes Lucy's seat by Sophia and grabs her little hand.

"Thanks, you hallway with me now" Lucy says sternly as she grabs my arm pulling me out of the room. "Uh oh am I in trouble" I ask laughing a little until I saw the look on Lucy's face when we got into the hall. "James, I get that Logan isn't exactly your favorite person right now but can you please stop being so harsh to him for me" Lucy begs as she gave me an innocent look and grabbed my hands squeezing them. "I'm trying ok but it's a little hard when every time I'm around him all I keep picturing is you and him in bed together or just touching and kissing" I say coolly feeling my blood boiling again.

"I understand that, do you ever have those thoughts when your around me or if I touch or kiss you" Lucy asks nervously as she squeezes my hand. "Do I have to answer that" I ask calmly trying to keep my temper under control. "Yes please" Lucy begs as she rubs my chest. "Honestly yeah I still see you guys in bed together every time you kiss me which makes it really hard to ever think about making love to you again" I say bitterly as I pulled my hand from her and kicked the ground.

"I understand... thank you for being honest with me" Lucy whispers as she let a tear fall down her face and tried walking back to Sophia's room until I grabbed her arm. "Lucy hang on, look I love you so much but it's still going to take me some time and maybe couples therapy before I can even try being intimate with you again and I'm sorry if that hurts you but.." I go to say until Lucy put her finger up on my lips silencing me.

"Don't apologize it's ok I fully understand where your coming from" Lucy says softly as she kisses my cheek. "Thank you for being patient with me, I promise this won't be forever" I say sincerely as I pulled her into my chest and stroked her hair. "Don't make promises you can't keep" Lucy says sniffling as she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly. "This one I can babe trust me I can barely go even a day without wanting to make love to you so I won't be making you wait to long, let's just take this one step at a time ok" I say smirking as I kissed her nose.

"Got it um may I kiss you.. I understand if you say no I just thought I'd ask and.." Lucy mumbles until I cut her off. "Lucy shut up and come here" I say sarcastically as I winked at her then pulled her towards me and smashed my lips to her. I think I caught her off guard at first but then I felt her smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. We ended up kissing for a few minutes until I pulled back for some air. "You wanna get back to Sophia" I asked as I nodded my head towards her room.

"She's ok with Logan and Kendrah for a few minutes and I could use some air and food wanna go for a walk" Lucy asks as she rubs her hands together nervously. "You read my mind let's go" I say smiling a little as I grabbed Lucy's hand and we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

Logan's P.O.V.

I was still feeling a little down from my conversation with James and still feeling a knot of guilt in my stomach as I looked down at my daughter who had an oxygen mask over her little face. "Logan are you ok" Kendrah asks concerned as she moved over by me and squeezed my shoulder. "I'm fine sweetie it's just I hate seeing my little girl like this" I whispered sniffling as a few tears fell down my cheeks. "That's not all that's bothering you though is it" Kendrah asks as she wipes my face.

"What else would be bothering me" I ask as Sophia started crying a little so I rubbed my hand over her belly to soothe her. "Gee I don't know how about the fact that you and James can't even be in the same room together without tension" Kendrah says sarcastically. "Yeah well that's on me I deserve James hating me and anything else bad that happens to me because it's my karma for what I did to you and him" I say as I leaned over and kissed Sophia's head. "You don't really mean that" Kendrah says as she squeezes my shoulder.

"Yeah I do I deserve any punishments or consequences that come my way because I'm a lousy boyfriend and a horrible friend god I don't even know how Lucy puts up with me" I say just as the door opens up and I hear Lucy and James walk back into the room. "Well one I have to since we're bonded for life because of our daughter and two because your not the only one who made mistakes Logan" Lucy says as she puts her hands on her hips.

"How much of that did you hear" I say sighing as I stood up crossing my arms. "All of it, Logan you have got to stop blaming yourself for Sophia getting sick it's not your fault" Lucy says adamantly as she grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Like I said earlier Logan God is not that cruel to punish you by making your daughter sick" James says as he stands behind Lucy just as the doctor walked back into the room. "I'm sorry I hope I didn't come back at a bad time" Dr Grey says as she looks around at all of us.

"No you didn't doctor is there something else wrong with our baby" Lucy asks as she gets a worried look on her face. "Other then her epilepsy no, I just came to tell you that you can take her home but I want you both to monitor her very closely and bring her back if her seizures get worse ok" Dr Grey says as she hands me a clipboard with the paperwork on it. "We will oh my god thank you so much" Lucy says gratefully as I signed the release paperwork and the nurse unhooked Sophia's oxygen mask. "Your welcome hopefully I won't have to see you all anytime soon" Dr Grey says as I handed her clipboard back and she and the nurse walked out of the room.

"See Logan I told you she would be just fine" Kendrah says softly as she grabs my hand and Lucy picked Sophia up then laid her in her car seat. "Maybe I should stay at your place tonight that way we can both keep an eye on her" Lucy says as James picked up Sophia's car seat and we all walked out of the room. "Fine by me let's go home" I say as we walked out of the hospital to the parking lot. Once we got back to the Palm Wood's and up to the apartment, we brought Sophia into mine and James's room where I laid her in the crib I had set up for her.

"Home sweet home babygirl daddy's right here and I am so sorry this is happening to you" I whispered to my daughter as I leaned down into the crib and kissed her head. "She's going to be ok Logan she's got two of the strongest parents ever looking out for her" Kendrah says smiling a little as she rubbed my back. "I hope your right about that, thank you for being here" I say gratefully as I grabbed Kendrah's hand and kissed it.

"No place I'd rather be" Kendrah says sweetly as she pecked my lips. "Logan I'm sorry for how I acted earlier it's just..." James goes to say until I cut him off. "Don't ok you have every right to still be angry with me but I don't wanna think about anything else right now other then my daughter" I say as I picked Sophia up and rocked her when she started fussing. "Here I'll go feed her then we should all get some sleep" Lucy says as I laid Sophia in her arms and she walked out to the living room.

"Your staying tonight to aren't you" I asked as I sat on my bed and pulled Kendrah down with me. "Do you want me to" Kendrah asks smirking as she rubs my chest. "What do you think genius" I say sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. "Then yes I will but no funny business mister" Kendrah says giggling. "Yeah whatever" I say winking as I kissed her cheek just as Lucy walked back into the room. "Ok she's all fed and changed so she should be alright to sleep through the night" Lucy says as James, Kendrah, and I all gave Sophia a kiss before Lucy laid her back in the crib.

"Sweet dreams princess mommy and daddy will be right here" I whispered as I rubbed her stomach and James and Lucy laid on his bed while Kendrah got on mine. As I laid down next to Kendrah I was hoping nothing else bad would happen to her or my daughter. Unfortunately none of us realized that Kendrah's nightmare with Jett was far from being over.

How Will Our Love Survive (Sequel to Big Time Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now