Testing the Waters

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Kendrah's P.O.V.

(One month later)

It took me about a month after Jett was arrested before I started going to therapy to try and put it behind me and focus on my child. Also I've been giving Logan the cold shoulder again come on you honestly didn't think I'd be forgiving to him right away because of this situation did you? Believe me he's tried everything from buying me flowers, to holding doors open for me, basically waiting on me hand and foot. But I'm just like Lucy when I hold grudges or have walls built up and he's not breaking them easily.

I was also still working on my music, doing modeling, and also bartending at the club which is actually where I'm headed right now. "Kendrah if you don't hurry your gonna be late for your shift" Lucy says as she stands outside my door as I had finished getting ready and was putting my heels on. "I'm going I'm going, how do I look" I ask as I modeled my outfit for her.

"I think you look hot and definitely not like someone who's only a month into her pregnancy" Lucy says winking as I grabbed my purse and phone

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"I think you look hot and definitely not like someone who's only a month into her pregnancy" Lucy says winking as I grabbed my purse and phone. "Thanks that's what I was going for see ya later" I say as I walked out of our apartment only to be met by none other then Logan the creep who whistles as he came up behind me. "Look at you sexy mama" Logan says licking his lips as he grips my waist when we walked into the elevator. "Ugh get off me loser" I say coolly as I stepped on his foot and pulled away from him. "Seriously we're back to the cold shoulder again" Logan asks sighing as we got off the elevator and he followed me to the lobby entrance.

"You honestly think just because you saved me from Jett that it gives you a free pass to forgiveness for your affair with Lucy" I ask pursing my lips and putting my hands on my hips as I leaned against the wall outside the entrance. "I thought it earned me some brownie points yes" Logan says confidently as he goes to grab my waist until I slapped his hands away. "Yeah well think again perv your still on thin ice with me" I say angrily as I shoved past him and walked to the parking lot swaying my hips. Right before I got to my car, I felt myself be lifted off the ground by you guessed it Logan. "Put me down you twerp" I say angrily as I hit his back.

"Your wish is my command baby" Logan says winking as he carried me to his car, set me in the passengers seat, and kissed me softly. "Kissing me and being sweet isn't getting you off the hook anytime soon moron ugh" I say furiously as I slapped him in the face hard. "Still isn't gonna stop me from trying" Logan says smugly as he gets in the drivers side starting his car. "Yeah whatever" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "I'm gonna chalk your crankiness up to mood swings from your pregnancy" Logan says laughing a little as he grabs my hand.

"Think whatever you want jackass and don't touch me" I say harshly as I snatched my hand away from him. Logan just sighed as he drove us to the club, parked in the parking lot, then got out and opened my door for me. "Thank you perv" I say smiling a little as I got out and started walking into the club until he followed me and grabbed my waist. "Babe how are you gonna get out of doing shots with the guys who buy them for you" Logan asked curiously. He made a good point because I had forgotten to tell my boss that I was pregnant. "Guess I'm gonna have to talk to Hannah first damn it" I say sighing as we got into the club.

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