I Don't Care Anymore!

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“Wow really?” Luhan looked at Lay and said. “You like that guy?”

“I didn’t say I like him. I admire him.” Lay said. “He’s good looking.”

“Yeah right. You know who he is? He is the school’s largest playboy. Are you serious?”

“Well, he does seem a little asshole…”

“Asshole? He’s a complete douchebag if you ask me.” Luhan said and rolled his eyes.

“But he looks so dreamy. So, so, ugh, so unreal.” Lay said while continue staring at Kris, who happens to be standing in front of them, his hands in his pockets and he was talking to his friends.

“Yeah… Unreal.” Luhan said and sipped on his soda. “Wait till you hear him speak. That’ll make you change your mind.”

But Lay wasn’t even listening to him, he was staring at the anime like guy in front of him.

“If you like him so much, why don’t you go talk to him?” Luhan asked and Lay looked at him.

“Are you serious? You know who he is? Scratch that, you know who his dad is? He’s like the largest estate tycoon here. Richest guy in town…?” Lay said.


“So, it means that he doesn’t talk to small people like us, look at all his friends, all of them, rich asses. And us, let’s just say that they are on the top of the food chain, and we’re in the middle.”

“Pfft whatever.” Luhan said and laughed. “If you’re lucky enough, he might pick up an interest in you.”

“Yeah, in my dreams.” Lay said and laughed too.

“Lay, come to the magazine room for a while please.” The magazine editor said to Lay while walking pass the two of them.

“Okay.” Lay said and followed her. “I’ll see you later.” He said to Luhan and walked away. “What is it?” He asked when they were in the magazine room.

“I need you to do something for me. You’re one of our writers right?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Lay nods. “What do you want me to do?”

“It’s like this, the girls, they wanted to write a whole article about our school’s ‘Top 5 Most Good Looking Guys’. They have done interviewing the four of them and there’s only one left, Kris. The girls are too shy to go talk to him and here’s where I need your help. Help me interview him will you?” She asked, blushing while talking.

“…. What?” Lay was speechless. “You want me to do what?” He too was shy to even make eye contact with him, let alone interviewing him.

“Please? He’s voted the number 1 best looking guy in our school though.”

“I’ll see what I can do…” Lay said and smiled awkwardly.

He must be lucky because the moment he walked out of the magazine room, Kris was walking past him, almost walking into him.

“Oops, sorry about that.” Kris said and smiled.

“It’s alright…” Lay looked at him and he paused. He was staring straight at Kris and wasn’t even blinking.

“Are you okay?” Kris asked and Lay blinked.

“Oh.. Ah! I’m fine.” He said awkwardly. “Uhm… Actually…”  Lay hesitates. He paused for quite a while before continuing his sentence. “I want to interview you?” He said timidly.

“Pardon?” Kris asked. “I didn’t hear you.”

“I am one of the writers of our school magazine and well, you have been voted as our school’s Number 1 Best Looking Guy. I was required to interview you so I can write an article.” Lay said slowly without blinking.

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