Kris, Saranghae

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“Why did you do that?” Yixing screamed once Kris picked up his phone.

“Do what?”

“You know what?” Yixing said.

Kris kept quiet.

“Why did you file that lawsuit?” Yixing asked again, his tears forming.


“Answer me.”

“I’m doing this for us.” Kris said. “All of us, all 12 of us.” He said.


“Because I love all of you!” Kris said.

There was a long pause from the other line.

“Where are you?”

“China.” Kris said. “I’m in Beijing.”

“Why didn’t you come back? Why did you reject that flight?”

“I need to think Yixing. I need to calm down.”

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” Kris said, he had noticed that Yixing’s voice had started to tremble; he knows that Yixing is crying.

“Come back.”

“Soon. I’ll be back soon.”

“I need you.” Yixing said.

“I need you too Yixing.”

“What made you exploded Kris? You’re not that type that would be doing this.”

“Yixing, look at us. We’re being treated like money making machines! Look at us, look at you and Kai, both of you hurt your waist so often and what did our company do? Nothing.”

“We’ve signed the contract, we knew that this is bound to happen.”

“This is not in the contract. This is never in the contract.” Kris said.


“Yixing, how’s everyone?”

“They’re in a daze here, especially Suho.” Yixing said.

“Can you pass the phone to him? I need to talk to him.” Kris said.

Yixing called Suho over and he passed him the phone without saying anything.

“Hyung?” Suho called.

“Suho, I’m sorry.” Kris said.

“Hyung, why?”

“I did it for all of us Suho.”

“But hyung, we need you. You understand the consequences you’re facing right?”

“I know.”

“EXO-M needs a leader.” Suho said, he too, was crying.

“Yixing makes a fine one.”

“No.” Suho said. “You are the leader and forever will be.”


“You should talk to Tao, that kid, been brawling ever since he got the news.”

“Hey Suho.”


“You might hate me now but I understand. Please, just take care of everyone and I’m truly sorry.”

Suho chuckled lightly. “You really are Ben Ben aren’t you?” He asked. “I will never hate you hyung. I understand, I know what you are doing and I’m proud of you hyung. You’re brave enough to do what we never had the courage to even speak of.”

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