I'll Be There

505 13 6

"And with these powers, the fate of Earth lies in your hands. The living of the human race depends on you...."

"Legend has it that the Gods have given 12 special forces to 12 demi-gods that they have trusted. Each power has their very own charm, their very own specialty and are useful in their own ways. These powers are given to protect the living, letting them go on with peaceful lives of not worrying about the world's safety. To some people, this is only some weird mutation, some fairy tale story, or some myth. But to us, it's not. Our ancestors were selected by the Gods to have this special power, this unique one- healing. Yixing, my son, you are one of the descendant of the great healing demi-god and you shall have the same healing powers as mine, as your grandfather, your ancestors."

"Father? What are the other 11 powers that the Gods have given?"

"There are telekinesis, teleportation, the four elements-fire, water, earth and wind, time control, ice, light, and those who are called dragon born- flight. And of course there's ours, healing."

"One day, I want to be just like you father." Yixing said and smiled.

"You will my son, you will... Now good night Yixing." His father gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned off the lights.

10 years later...... 

Lay walked into the studio nervously. He hadn't been here for 4 years now. He wonders if his teacher still remembers him.

"Lay? What are you doing here?" His teacher asked as soon as he saw Lay. Lay was his favorite student in the whole dance academy.

"Mr. Lee, I would like to come back here to continue dancing, if that is okay with you." Lay said.

"Bless my soul, we will always welcome you back here Lay." Mr. Lee said, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Mr. Lee." Lay said and bowed.

"But Lay, you should know that most of your friends already graduated from this academy, you'll have to go on with a group of intermediates." He said.

"I understand." Lay said and smiled.

"Go on then, go change. We're starting in a few minutes." Mr. Lee said and gave Lay a slight push.

Lay walked into the class slowly, he was nervous. He pushed opened the door and went inside. He saw people stared at him but he kept walking. It's been four years and this place is still the same. He walked into the back room and put down his bag. He sighed.

Being back here after four years is very hard. He had to push himself to come back here, to finish what his mother wanted him to. He heard people whispering, wondering why is he here in the intermediate class if he's just a newbie. What they didn't know was Lay was once the academy's best dancer who won loads of awards. He was in the advanced class until, well, something happened and he dropped out.

"Hi! Who are you?" A girl came over and asked him.


"Lay? What are you doing here?" She asked again.

"I'm here to dance." Lay replied with as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"I mean, why are you here if you're a newbie?" Lay don't like this girl, too many questions.

"I'm not a newbie." He replied short and continue taking out his stuff.

The girl let out a scoff, turned and walked away.

Great. Lay thought. Make enemies on the first day.

He changed into his shoes and took off his jacket. Then he walked to the middle of the class. People are still staring.

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