Thank You

543 16 1

He was there, standing by the window of his 21st floor condo. If he wasn't afraid of heights, he would have jumped by now. He looked down and frowned deeper. He closes the sliding window and stepped back. Today is the day, the day where he wanted to end his life. Luhan walked towards the kitchen and turned on the gas. The lets the gas leaking throughout the whole room and he sighed. He then walked towards the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water. He took off his white button down shirt and took the blade he had prepared earlier from the bathroom counter. He climbed inside he full bath tub and slits his writs slowly. The pain was unbearable, Luhan grits his teeth and held back his tears. He then quietly submerge his hand into the water and stare into the white wall.

"What seemed to be the problem here ma'am?"

"Officer Oh, I've been knocking on the door for ages but he's not answering." The old lady said. "I wanted to give him this pie I've made and when I came here, I smelled something like gas and I heard water running."

Sehun frowned. This is not good. He gently lead the old lady back to her house, assuring that everything is fine and went back to knock on the door.

"Sir? Please open the door." Sehun said. "Sir! Please open up!" He said again with a louder voice. But still, no response.

He stepped back and took a deep breath; he focused on the door and kicked it open. Force entry, that's the only way to do it. He smelled gas and he immediately covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief while searching franticly for the house owner.

"Sir? If you can hear me, please answer me!" Sehun shouted. He ran into the living room and push open the sliding windows. He then ran into the kitchen to turn off the stove and immediately turn on the ventilation system. He ran into the bathroom and he gasps.

"Lu... Luhan?" He said to himself. He was horrified by the amount of blood in the tub. Sehun checked for his pulse and was relieved that there is still a pulse. He picked up his talkie and called for backup and an ambulance.

"You will be safe Luhan." He said. "Hang on!" He grabbed the towel on the sink and wrapped it around Luhan's wrist. He applied slight pressure to stop the bleeding. "Don't leave Luhan! Stay with me come on!" He shouted, tears streaming down his face.

The ambulance arrived and so did the police. Sehun carried Luhan onto the stretcher and put him on it. He looked at him, worried, while Luhan was pushed into the ambulance.

"Officer Oh, can you describe what happened?" Inspector Kim said.

"Yes sir." Sehun said.

"We found pictures of you and the victim in the victim's bedroom. The two of you seemed pretty close."

Sehun hesitated.

"Officer Oh?"

"Ah... He's my ex-boyfriend." Sehun said. "We broke up a years ago."

"Didn't you know that he moved here?"

Sehun shook his head. "I just knew today." He said.  "We stop contacting each other after the split."

"I see." Inspector Kim said. "We'll continue this in the station."

"Yes sir." Sehun said and sighed. He walked towards his patrol car and hop on.

"What's wrong?"  His partner, Baekhyun asked.

"Luhan committed suicide." Sehun said.

"What? But why?" Baekhyun asked, shocked.

"I don't know..." Sehun said. "But the inspector did tell me that he still has a picture of us together in his bedroom..."

"Want to go see him?" Baekhyun asked.

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