I Just Love You

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“Another breakup?” Yixing asked as soon as he saw Kris walking towards their table at the cafeteria, his hair in a mess. This is already the fourth time this month.

“Who needs her anyway.” Kris said, running his fingers across his hair.

“You’ve got to stop changing girlfriends every now and then.” Yixing said, ignoring Kris.

“I’m just too perfect for them.” Kris said and Yixing rolled his eyes.

“You’re an asshole you know that?” He asked.

“Of course, you’ve been telling me that since middle school.” Kris said.

“Asshole.” Yixing and Kris said at the same time.

“What, are you jealous?” Kris joked.

Of course Yixing is jealous. He had a huge crush on Kris since middle school and he didn’t have the guts to tell Kris about how he felt about him. He’s scared and he knows that Kris will never feel the same. The two of them have been friends since elementary school and Kris is always the handsome, athletic and famous playboy in their school while Yixing is always the quiet, shy and talented kid in class.

“Zhang Yixing!” Kris shouted, snapping his fingers in front of Yixing.

“What?” Yixing asked.

“You’re always zoning out when I talk to you. Are you just dazed by my beauty?” He asked and Yixing gave him a sarcastic smile.

“You wish.”

“Anyway, where’s Baekhyun?” Kris asked, looking around to look for his midget friend.

“Probably in the library again, digging through the science fiction section.” Yixing answered.

“You know, he should get a girlfriend.” Kris said, stealing one of Yixing’s fries and eating it.

“He’s not like you Kris.” Yixing said.


Baekhyun is in the library, looking for the third book of the series that he had recently started reading. His glasses sliding down whenever he bends down to look for the books. He pushed his glasses in a frustrated way and sighed.

“Where could it be?” He asked himself.

He craned his neck to take a look at the higher shelves, his eyes scanning through the rows of books.

“Aha! Found you.” He whispered, tiptoeing to get the book.

Baekhyun is not short, he is not a midget even though Kris always teased him about that. Sure he might be a little shorter than the average Korean guys but he is not THAT short. He reached out, tiptoeing to get the book but no matter how hard he tries to take it, he just can’t reach it. He tried jumping but still he couldn’t reach it.

“Fine. I’ll drag Kris here next time.” He mumbled to himself, giving up and wanted to walk away.

“Here, let me help you.” He heard someone said and he turned around.

“Pa…Park Cha…Chanyeol?” Baekhyun couldn’t believe his eyes.

“You know my name?” Chanyeol asked, blinking his eyes.

“Ye…Yeah… We have Chemistry class together.” Baekhyun said.

“You’re Byun Baekhyun right? The kid that sits with Kris at the corner of the class with another Chinese kid.” Chanyeol said.

“Yeah.” Baekhyun said, a little fluttered that the school’s basketball ace knows his name.

“Kris always talks about you and his friend, Yixing during basketball practice. You guys are really close to duizhang huh.” Chanyeol asked.

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