Happy Valentine's Day

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“Valentines is tomorrow!” Kyungsoo shouted and jumped around Lay.

“Yeah so?”

“Aren’t you making something for the person you like?” Kyungsoo asked.

“What are you hinting Kyungsoo?”

“Su….Ho!” Kyungsoo said and danced around Lay.

“Shut up!” Lay blushed and pushed Kyungsoo away lightly.

“Hehe.” Kyungsoo smiled cheekily. “You’re blushing!”

“You and Kai already have plans for tomorrow?” Lay asked, trying to change the subject.

 “Well… Yeah!” Kyungsoo smiled and nods his head. “Don’t change the subject Lay. Are you doing it?”

“Okay, okay… Fine, yes. I’ve thought of it.”

“Are you sure you’re fine in doing it yourself?” Kyungsoo asked, he is a little concerned about Lay’s cooking.

“I have been looking for recipes online. I’ll be fine.”

“You sure you don’t need my help?”

“I want to do it myself Kyungsoo. If it’s for him, I’ll do it myself.” Lay said with his fist clenched up, determined to do it himself.

“If you insist then…”

“Ouch!” Someone walked into Lay and he fell to the ground.

“Sorry.” Kris said without even looking at him.

“Hey, aren’t you helping me up?” Lay asked.


“What?” Lay jumped up and stares at him. “At least apologize with a little more sincere!”

“Whatever.” Kris said and walked away.

“Well that’s rude.” Kyungsoo said.

“Pshht who does he think he is?”

“Uh… President of the Fencing Club? Biggest asshole in school? ” Kyungsoo said.

“Huh, I didn’t know he was president of that club.” Lay said and shrugged. “Oh shit, I’m late for Chemistry class. I’ll see you later.” Lay said and ran off.

“Call me if you need help with your chocolates!” Kyungsoo shouted and Lay waved back.

“Yo Kyung!”

“Jongin!” Kyungsoo immediately turns around when he heard Jongin’s name. “I thought you’re sick at home!” He said and ran over to Jongin, throwing his arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

“Can’t… Breathe!” Jongin said. “Too tight Kyung!”

“Oh sorry!” Kyungsoo loosens his arms and look into Jongin’s eyes.

“How can I miss seeing my Kyungsoo because of a cold?” Jongin said and ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair.

“Idiot.” Kyungsoo said and blushes. “You need to rest.”

“I need you.” Jongin said and Kyungsoo punched him. “Oww! No punching a sick person!” He said and sniffed.

“Come on, I think I have some medication for your cold in my locker.” Kyungsoo said and pulled Jongin’s tie.


“No, these are too hard.” Lay said and threw the chocolates he made into the bin. “Ugh well, third time’s a charm I guess.” He said and starts all over again.

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