07 ~ Feelings and Flowers

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Gosh, I'm so generous lately huh?


    I think I'm sick or something. Ever since a few days ago I've had a funny feeling in my stomach and at random moments my heart will beat really fast and I will start sweating. Like right now.

"Okay, this is your last shot. Anything less than a 8 you lose," Jonathan informs from behind me. I asked Jonathan to go bowling tonight because I thought it would be a good idea for him to spend time with me outside of school and the apartment building. He wants to be my friend he just doesn't know it.

I step back and take a deep breath. Jonathan won the first game. I have to win this one. I roll and I watch as my ball knocks down all ten pins. Happiness rushes through my body making me want to jump up and down. I laugh turning towards Jonathan. "Muahaha Miller! I won, I won, I won," I sing doing my famous victory dance.

His face scrunches up in fake disgust, "Knock it off." Jonathan orders, throwing my jacket at me.

"Hurry up, lets go and get ice-cream, I'm exhausted," he complains walking away.

We made a deal that if I won the last game, he'd buy me ice cream. Thinking about how comfortable it feels hanging out with Jonathan makes a fuzzy warm feeling spread through me. I can't be the only one feeling this way. I know for a fact that Jonathan likes me more than he lets on. He hugged me and he looked like he was genuinely having fun. I'm glad I asked him to go bowling with me tonight. Everything I've witnessed was proof that he isn't that bad guy Black Valley paints him out to be.

I giggle and jog to catch up with him. When I reach his side I lightly bump my shoulder against his arm.

He looks down at me with a bored expression, "What was that?"

"What was what?"

The corner of his mouth turns up a bit, "That little bump thing and the giggling."

"Ohh, that. I'm just having fun is all."

He shrugs and we reach his car. He then stops and turns towards me with a hard expression. He looks at me for a while before speaking, "Why?"

He looks mad, I hope he isn't backing out of the deal. "Why what?"

"Why are you having fun? It's not like I have a big bubbly personality like you. And I also don't understand why you are so dead set on being my friend," he admits sternly. He crosses his arms and leans back on his car.

I stare at him stunned. I didn't think he thought about this stuff. "You're fun to be around and the fact that you aren't like me is what makes you interesting. I want to be friends with interesting people." I laugh at how obvious it is.

Jonathan sighs, "Not good enough. It still doesn't add up. You're supposed to be avoiding me like everyone else. I figured you would've heard more things about me and ran off by now. But you haven't. Why?" He looks like he is growing irritated.

Oh so now I can't talk to him? His stupid assumptions are making me mad.

I step forward and point my finger in his face. "I don't like people telling me how I'm supposed to feel! Everyone at that gossip filled school obviously don't know a feking thing. I like talking to you and I'm not going to start avoiding you just because someone who has only heard rumors told me to. I'll only stop talking to you when I want to. End. Of. Story." I breathe and step back crossing my arms. I know I just yelled at him but that had to be the softest anger outburst I've ever had.

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