34 ~ Presents and Pricks

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A long chapter bayybeeee
srry for posting late but what canya do?
yer welcome ;)


Her eyes.

The bright green like jade lined with an emerald ring. Long blonde lashes framing them. The upturned corners giving her an exotic grace.

Her nose.

An imperfect perfection with a slight bump on the bridge from breaking it when she was a child. The tip tilting up in an adorable curve.

My fingers exploring her freckled skin, they move to her lips.

Holy fuck, her lips.

Full and pouty and pink from biting them. The cupids bow arched and perfect, I trace it with my thumbs in fascination.

Almost like I'm stuck in a trance, my fingers continue to trace Adelaide's skin. Counting her freckles on her nose, caressing the sensitive skin on her ears, lightly fanning her long eyelashes. Hesitating, I smooth my thumb across the bright pink line of flesh on her healing wound from the other day. It looks like it might actually scar but it just adds to the things I love about her. It starts to feel like my throat is in my stomach, her beauty is overwhelming me on a physical level.

"What are you doing," I watch as her lips whisper the words.

I tug on her bottom lip, holding it delicately between my fingers. "Studying you."

I slowly roll her lip between my fingers, letting go and watching her mouth pop closed. I feel myself smile when Adelaide blushes, sucking the same lip into her mouth nervously.

"I need to memorize all of you, commit this all to memory," my hands cradling her face like it's the most precious, fragile, most valuable thing on earth.

Since she asked so nicely before, I lean in closer, our breaths fanning each other's faces. "You want me to kiss you?" I brush my lips across hers teasingly, withdrawing slightly when she leans into it. Her eyes on my mouth, she does her adorable little nod to confirm.

I slide my hand to her neck, my thumb brushing her jaw, "Words, baby."

Her brows furrow in frustration and she visibly swallows, "Yes, I w-want you to kiss me."

I offer her a smile and a nod in praise then I bring our lips together for another feather soft touch, Adelaide making a frustrated noise when I don't fully commit to the kiss. I breathe out a chuckle then end our suffering by finally smashing my lips to hers. I hum in satisfaction, the kiss earlier being too rushed to thoroughly enjoy. We tilt our heads in sync, the flow of the kiss lazy and exploring. Her lips open easily when I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting her. Her tongue like velvet, dancing with mine. I can't get enough and neither can she because we don't pull away for more than a second, not even to breathe. Our breathing coming out in pants whenever we disconnect our lips to shift the positioning of our heads, then delving back in for more, her taste making me insatiable.

We're starving for each other's warmth and affection after being apart for so long. I desperately want more, I want her body, every inch of it, but now is not the right time.

I lift her chin, using my tongue to taste hers one more time before I separate our lips on a groan. We slump on each other, trying to catch our breath. I caress her sides lazily, calming myself.

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