37 ~ Happy New Years

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Sometimes the words you most want to hear from the people you most want to hear them from never get said. I'm used to this fact. Most of the time I'm blunt and speak before thinking but not everyone is like that. Most people ignore their true feelings or even go so far as to deny they're even real. But I've been swallowing those three little words every single day since I found out how I felt. And he just said them so effortlessly, the words dripping in honey and molten gold.

I'm still reeling from Jonathan's confession when he sits up quickly, looking more freaked than I've ever seen him. "Hold on, don't say anything yet, hear me out."

My body is still bare and vulnerable so I slip a throw blanket over me to cover myself as I wait expectantly for him to keep going. I twinge from the lingering soreness between my legs, Jonathan guilty glancing at my blanket covered lap.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously, "I swear I didn't say it just because we had sex. My timing is shit, I know, so it might be hard to believe. But when I saw you lying there, looking at me in beautiful satisfied bliss....I just," a light flush tints his ears as he avoids my eyes.

Oh so now he's embarrassed.

I sit up to move closer to him, glancing at his face, "You...what? You saw me lying there all sweaty and gross and thought you'd say that out of pity to make me feel better?" I joke, but it comes out sounding a bit more bitter than I meant.

His eyes shoot to mine, "What? No, what the hell? I'd never say that out of pity, I don't pity you. Sweaty? Gross? What are you on—"

I smother his next words with a press of my lips to his. His hand cups my cheek as he kisses me back.

I pull away and I smile hesitantly, "I was kidding Miller, I'm sorry. That sounded bad."

He runs a hand through his messy waves, "Don't joke about that. I meant what I said."

I sit crisscross, not so stealthily covering his exposed manly bits with the corner of the blanket. If I don't I'll keep looking. Not a very appropriate distraction for this convo.

"And what did you say?" I tilt my head in a attempt to look innocent.

His brows pull up, "What?"

I scoot closer to him, resting a hand on his tanned bicep, tender lines of red marking the smooth skin. "Can you repeat it? I want to hear it again," I ask slowly, afraid if I talk any faster I'll swallow my tongue.

He covers my hand with his and holds eye contact with me, "You'll have to be more specific." His words are low enough to be a whisper but it's so quiet in the apartment he might as well have just screamed it in my ears.

Jonathan slides me onto his lap, the blanket still between our naked bodies. I breathe onto his lips, "The words I've been dreaming to hear from you. The words that mean you can never get rid of me. Say them again so I can say them back."

An adorable grin makes his dimple appear as he squeezes me in his hold, "Ohh...you mean those words."

He flips us onto the bed, making me land on his chest with a surprised giggle. As I settle he gazes up at me in a way that makes me want to swoon. I hold my breath when his fingers tuck my hair behind my neck.

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