09 ~ Lost and Locked out

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I stare up at the night sky as I walk, Adelaide's voice fading in and out as I zone out. The stars aren't even visible because of the city lights but it's still nice. There's no weird smell coming from the allies we pass, no sound of humans yelling or cars honking. Just still. Something very rare living in Black Valley.

"-and then he shoved me in! Can you believe that? My overalls got soaked up to the knee! I was so pissed so I pulled him in too, he got way more soaked than I did. Pfft, you shoulda seen his face Miller, it was hilarious!" Addy rants about the time her older brother took her and her other siblings to a river in the mountains.

I glance down at her. She stopped her story telling with a soft smile on her face as she kicks a pebble. She looks content. Much like how I feel now as well.

I know that maybe I shouldn't let myself feel this way but it feels so calming. Like a release. Like the proverbial boot thats been stomping on my chest, making me unable to breathe, got tired and decided to take a break. For the past year, the world felt like it was playing in the background. While other's were living their best high school lives, reality was faded and out of focus for me. Adelaide showing interest in my life pissed me off. But now I think it just confuses me. Maybe even scares me...I haven't had anyone show genuine interest in me in so long. My father doesn't give a shit that much is fact. Only hear from him when it involves money.

And being mad at the world is exhausting. So times like this when I have the chance to just be. I'll sure as hell take advantage.

"So uh...do you know where we are?" Addy asks, looking up and down the street then at me.

I know where we are. Still I shake my head, "Nope. No idea"

Her eyes widen, "Um thats fine just take out your phones GPS."

I pull my phone out of my hoodies pocket, "Ah shucks, it's dead." I over-exaggerate my frown and show her my dead phone screen.

She sucks in a breath through her teeth as her eyes snap from my phone to my face a couple times.

"You have a phone too, remember?"

"I uh, forgot it at home. Must've fell out of my pocket when I was in my room." From what I remember she definitely tossed herself into her room like a rag doll. Graceful as always.

I shrug, "Looks like we're lost."

Addy stops and shoves me, "Don't brush over this all nonchalant! I get that much doesn't faze you and you're all Mr. Cool Calm and Collected but it's like 11pm and I have a big bag with me! We're practically screaming 'mug me'! I don't know about you but I'd rather not get threatened at knife and or gunpoint!"

My eyes wide in shock at her little outburst, I raise my hand and point down the street behind her, "Oh look. I found the apartment building, how lucky."

I'd been taking the long way back to the building since I ran from the house we ding-dong-ditched. We just went two blocks over and around, leading us to just down the street directly in front of the building.

Addy blinks at me a moment then slowly turns around, suspicious as to whether I'm telling the truth. When she spots the building, all tension drains from her body and she just stares.

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