40 ~ Freedom

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Blackmailing Bitch: Locker room hall. During passing period. Meet me there or I leak the photos.

She sent me this message minutes after the first one. I haven't responded to either. Obviously. I texted Addy and told her I'd go on my own. I don't know if she saw the message because she isn't on her phone during class.

I brush past McAdams and his bitch ass friends in the hallway on the way to the meeting spot. He thought about starting something but decided against it when Cara Daniels the cheerleader clung onto his arm, simultaneously rubbing her tits on him. He's a muscle head so that misted over his anger with his horndog persona pretty quickly.

My phone buzzes in my pocket again but I ignore it. Bree can wait the two more minutes it'll take me to get there and stop being a impatient cunt.

The chatter of the hallway fades as I reach the locker room hall. It smells, so only sane people stay far away from here if they don't have gym. Bree is apparently masochistic. Or maybe it's a odor fetish. Another issue she needs therapy for. Fuck that's nauseating to think about. Getting horny over sweaty football players jockstraps.

This is what I'm thinking of when I glance up and see Bree glaring at me from the other end of the hall. Looking like I'm going to throw up is a normal reaction to seeing her so I don't bother to wipe the disgust from my face.

"Hey Bree. Did someone piss in your cereal this morning? Because you look like shit," Yes. I am the type to laugh at my own jokes and that was fucking hilarious.

I keep distance between us because I learned that being close to her will give her the impression I'm inviting her to touch me.

"Shut the fuck up Johnny. Did you hit your head? Drop a barbell on it at work yesterday?" She seethes, abnormal bags under her eyes noticeable from even this distance. She's very high maintenance so this is surprising to see she'd let herself be seen in public without makeup covering them.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks for asking."

"No I don't think you are 'good'. Did you forget? I told you to stop seeing that bimbo bitch."

My lips tilt up on one side in a smirk, "What can I say, she's irresistible." I look her up and down, my smirk gone, "And if anything, you're the bimbo bitch."

Hurt flashes in her eyes, "It wasn't a suggestion. There are consequences for not listening to me."

I gasp like I just now remembered, "Oh yeah! The blackmail! Whoops."

Her eyes go wide and she steps closer to me, "What the fuck is wrong with you Johnny? I'm not joking here! All I asked for was that one simple favor and you didn't listen!"

"Favor? You act like it was a deal between old friends? Bree, you're blackmailing me. Nothing you say or do will make me like you."

Her composure slips and she aggressively rubs her temples with her fingers. "That was all I asked of you. So far. You should've been grateful that was all it was and listened to me."

This controlling motherfucker. "You were planning on making me do more? Like what?" Not that it'll ever happen.

Bree's anxiousness falters, an excited spark lighting her eyes as she looks me over. "I know you're convinced you'll hate me forever. But, you won't."

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