39 ~ Leverage and Laughing

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I curse and slam my hand on the table, the laptop jumping from the impact. I pick up my phone and call Adelaide.

Two rings and she answers, "Addy. Where are you?"

She groans, "What do you mean, I just woke up it's literally—" she shuffles before continuing, "—six am. My alarm doesn't go off for another thirty minutes."

Shit, I'm a dumbass. I should let her continue to sleep but this is important. "Can you come to my place as soon as possible? I have something to show you."

This is what we needed. It's so convenient and exactly what I hoped for but...It's terrifying. What is she capable of? I thought she was just a girl with some serious deep rooted mental issues. But this?

"Uh, yeah-yeah I'll be right over. Give me five minutes," Addy hangs up without giving me a chance to say bye.

I stare at the screen. The visual making my stomach churn. My mind starts to glaze over as memories from the past spark to life.

"Ugh, just come in, the door is unlocked!"

Nick is such an asshole. I told him not to knock because I had a raging headache. Although yelling just made it worse.

The door opens and closes, footsteps approaching where I'm laying on my bed. A familiar voice fallows, "Johnny, Nick told me you were sick."

Bree comes around the corner, a gentle smile on her face. I feel the need to ask, "Nick called you?"

She moves her head side to side, "Wellll, technically I called him but what does that matter. I'm here, now."

I've always hated how intrusive she is. Making decisions without any thought of how it effects others. Stepping past the boundaries I place, without a care in the world.

Concern washes over her face, "Oh sweetie, you look like shit." She sits beside me, a hand moving to my forehead. I reflexively avoid her touch but she just brushes it off as a pain response. I don't like it when people touch me suddenly.

I brush her hand away, "Impossible. I always look good." I joke, sitting up straighter.

"True. But you're sweating. Your AC is shit. Do you not have a fan?" She looks around and I tell her no, the fan I did have broke a week ago. That usually happens when you have it running 24/7.

"Bree, I just want to rest. You can go home," I groan, taking a drink of water from my glass beside me.

She shakes her head, crawling onto my bed, moving uncomfortably close to me. "Johnny, you need someone to take care of you. That's why you have me."

My head throbs as the annoyance surges forward, "Bree. I don't need you to take care of me. It's just a fever. I mean it, just go home."

Her hand moves my head to face her, my fever making me feel weak so I can't even bring myself to muster the strength. "Jonathan. I know you. I've told you this before, although you might not have been listening but, I noticed you way before we became friends. I can help you."

Needing Adelaide | ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα