17 ~ Questions and Quesadillas

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I take a breath and breathe out, "You want to stay a little longer?"

Her face flushes in the lamp light, "Yeah."

My eyes drift down to her mouth when her tongue swipes along her bottom lip. I clench my jaw in restraint and stand from the bed.

"I made chicken quesadillas. Do you want one?"

She starts to shake her head no when her stomach makes a loud gargling noise. Her face is still blushed, so she lifts the blanket to cover her face. Her voice muffled, "Yeah. A chicken quesadilla sounds good."

I chuckle, and walk into the kitchen. I just finished making the second one before she woke up so I just put them in the microwave for like 20 seconds and they're good.

I bring both plates with me to the bed again, Addy now sitting on top the covers. I hand her the plate, sitting on the bed in front of her.

She takes her first bite, "Holy Heck Miller! This is so good, you know how to cook?"

I take a bite, swallowing before I respond, "Thanks, and yes, but only a few things. I don't cook often."

Adelaide nods, taking more bites. We sit in comfortable silence while we eat, I put on quiet music in the kitchen while I was cooking so it's not complete silence.

"So uh...I have a question," Addy says hesitantly, after taking the last bite of her food.

This doesn't sound like it's going to be a happy question. I take my time chewing my last bite, when I swallow I nod at her.

She wrings her hands in her lap, "Okay so, I know the rumor is not true....and that B-Bree wasn't ever your girlfriend. And that it's probably not my place to ask but I was curious about what really happened with her?"

I stare at Addy in shock and turn my eyes away from her. It's true that I hate talking about it, even thinking about that girl makes me sick. But I want Adelaide to know.

"I was friends with them. That's true. Or at least I thought we were friends."

She nods, "Yeah, thats what they told me."

"Bree had a unhealthy infatuation with me. She thinks it was love but it wasn't."

Adelaide whispers, "They lied and said you led her on, that you said you loved her."

I stand and grab our plates, taking them to the kitchen. From the kitchen, I say, "I may have been too lenient with the way she'd hang onto my arm in public. She would also show up at my apartment randomly without the others. A couple of those times being at night." I sigh. The longer I talk, the guiltier I sound.

I walk back to where Addy is. She's just sitting there, giving me her undivided attention, listening to me.

"One of those nights she forced a kiss on me. Apparently she thought I liked her because I didn't strongly deny her. I said I didn't like her touching me all the time, but I guess that didn't process. Eventually I told her to stop less and less."

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